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CCP 05-26-1998
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CCP 05-26-1998
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<br /> ~ 11\ ~~ . <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - MAY 11. 1998 Ul ~J 2 - <br />Page 6. paragraph 4, replace "that the City" with "that she believed the City" <br />Councilmember Malone and Mr. Fritsinger requested the following corrections to the April 20, . <br />1998 Council Worksession minutes: <br />Page 2, paragraph 6, replace "items for" with "itcms in the facilitator's report for" <br />Pagc 3, paragraph 6, replace "disciplinary sanction" with "managerial accountability" <br />Coul1cilmember Malone and Mr. Fritsinger requested the following corrections to the April 27, <br />1998 Regular Council Meeting minutes: <br />Page 3, paragraph 8, replace "damage" with "damage or collapsed" <br />Page 5, paragraph 6, replace "frontage road" with "Interstate 694 frontage" <br />Page 8, paragraph 3, delete "Mr. McGraw stated he is not going to beg for his funding" <br />Page 10, paragraph L replace "The Arden Hills Fire Department" with "The Lake Johanna <br />Volunteer Fire Department" <br />Page 10, paragraph 10, replace "the EA W" with "the Wispark EA W" <br />MOTION: Councilmember Keirn moved and Councilmember Aplikowski seconded a motion <br /> to approve the April 13, 1998, Regular Council Meeting, the April 20, 1998 <br /> Council Worksession Minutes, and the April 27, 1998 Regular Couneil Meeting <br /> as amended above. The motion earried unanimously (5-0). <br />CONSENT CALENDAR . <br />A. Claims and Payroll <br />B. Newsletter Committee Appointment, Betty Mullin <br />Councilmember Aplikowski suggested that the Newsletter Committee may want to diversify its <br />mcmbership to include residents from various precincts. Councilmember Aplikowski stated that <br />the original idea was to have representation from all precincts. <br />Mayor Probst stated if Councilmembers knew of potential residents from the umepresented <br />precincts who would want to serve on the Newsletter Committee, they should encourage there <br />residents to join the Committee. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Malone moved and Councilmember Keirn seeonded a motion to <br /> approve the Conscnt Calendar as listed above and authorize execution of all <br /> necessary documents contained therein. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Mayor Probst invited those present to come forward and address the Council on any items not <br />already on the agenda. Thcre were no public comments. <br /> . <br />
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