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CCP 06-08-1998
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CCP 06-08-1998
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - MAY 26 1998 4 <br />in place. The next six units beyond that have the greater impact due to the new entrance to the <br />park.and shift in Highway 96 to the north. Mr. Tolaas stated there will be relocation costs . <br />involved and final design and right-of-way plans would be completed as soon as possible. Once <br />right-of-way funding is received they can begin working with property owners. <br />Marilyn Hahn, Arden Manor Mobile Home Park, asked why it is necessary to move the entrance. <br />She noted the current entrance is only one block from the park office but the new entrance will be <br />farther from the park office. Mr. Tolaas pointed out the two entrance points (to the north and to <br />the south of Highway 96) would be staggered if the current entrance remained. They are <br />proposing to relocate the entrance of Arden Manor Mobile Home Park so it aligns with the <br />entrance point to the south. <br />Ms. Hahn asked if traffic signals will be provided. Mr. Tolaas stated he believes the City would <br />push for the placement of a traffic signal at the location of the new entrance. He noted a turn <br />lane will be provided to assure safety of vehicles. <br />Ms. Hahn asked how much the road widening will impact her lot. Mr. Tolaas explained they are <br />widening to the south somewhat but there is a considerable shift of about 30 feet on the north <br />side. He explained the ditch area will be filled. <br />Ms. Hahn asked if they will be able to turn left onto Highway 96 and use Old Snelling to gain <br />access to southbound Highway 10, Mr. Tolaas stated this is correct and that connection will <br />remain since the Highways to and 96 intersection will no longer be at grade. . <br />Ms. Hahn asked how they will gain access to Arden Manor Mobile Home Park if northbound on <br />Highway 10. Mr. Tolaas noted vehicles could exit 1-694 at Hamline Avenue to gain access to <br />westbound Highway 96. <br />In response to Mayor Probst, Mr. Tolaas advised City approval is required to proceed with this <br />project. <br />Jim Johnson, representing North Heights Lutheran Church, stated they have definite concerns <br />about the access to eastbound Highway 96 from northbound Highway 10. He advised of the <br />number of events which are held at this facility and the addition of a family life campus and the <br />future auditorium expansion to at least 5,000 seats. He stated this access route is a significant <br />issue and he would like the opportunity to talk in more depth about this with MnlDOT, the <br />County, and City Staff. Mr. Johnson concurred their events do not coincide with rush hours but <br />there will still be significant traffic entering and exiting this site and will need to be addressed. <br />Mayor Probst inquired regarding a timetable for the City's response. Mr. Tolaas stated if Arden <br />Hills is supportive, he will contact New Brighton to request a meeting with their Council. Mr. <br />Tolaas stated they would like to start with final plan preparation and to draft the right-of-way <br />plan. <br />Mayor Probst asked if the County notified residents and property owners. Mr. Tolaas reviewed . <br />the area of properties which were notified and advised he has only had brief discussion with the <br />Army regarding the release of property for the ramp to northbound Highway 10 from westbound <br />Highway 96. <br />
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