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<br /> ------------- <br /> DRAFT . . <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 8. 1998 2 <br /> CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> A. Claims and Payroll . <br /> B. Probationary Appointmcnt, Senior Accounting Clerk, Sandra Berres <br /> C. Resolution #98-44, Authorizing Condemnation of the Indykiewicz Property <br /> D. Temporary Access Permit, MT Properties <br /> MOTION: Councilmembcr Hicks moved and Councilmember Keim seconded a motion to <br /> approve the Consent Calendar as listed above and authorize execution of all <br /> necessary documents contained therein. The motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> Mayor Probst invited those prcsent to come forward and address the Council on any items not <br /> already on the agenda. There were no public comments. <br /> UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department, Presentation <br /> Mr. Brian Fritsinger, City Administrator, explained that conversations were scheduled with the <br /> Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department (LJVFD) at a previous worksession but due to the <br /> storm damage in Shoreview they were otherwise occupied. Mr. Fritsinger stated he had asked <br /> them to attend tonight to review infomlational itcms for the Council. He stated that . <br /> conversations will be held regarding capital budget items at a futurc meeting. <br /> Mr. Don Szurek, Fire Chief, thanked the Council for the opportunity to address them regarding <br /> Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department issues. He commented on the storm damage which <br /> they have been addressing and provided an updatc. Hc thanked the Council and Staff for the <br /> opportunity to conduct training activities at the vacated City Hall and explained the types of <br /> training scenarios which will be taking place. Mr. Szurek stated they are offering members of <br /> the Council and Staff to attend a drill and participate to the point of viewing what happens during <br /> a rescue operation. He noted that they are also looking for new members and beginning the <br /> membership drive. Mr. Szurek advised of the members who have retired and the need to recruit <br /> new members. He reviewed the requirements for serving on the Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire <br /> Department and stated service is a good way to feel part of the community. He encouraged <br /> anyone interested to contact them. <br /> Mr. Szurek stated the recent storm activity brought forward cooperation from the City Staff <br /> which they appreciated. He advised that during the storm there were five calls from Arden Hills, <br /> one involving a lightning strike. He stated there were 45 fire calls in all received during the <br /> storm which was a bit chaotic. Mr. Szurek stated they will have a critique of this storm activity <br /> and encouraged Staff to attend and provide input. He stated they look forward to meeting with <br /> the Council in the future to discuss capital budget items. He advised of Station # I repairs which <br /> will be undertaken and stated the names of those serving on the Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire . <br /> Department board and Staff members. He stated they currently have 68 members and can go as <br /> high as 20 members per station but are looking specifically for day time members. <br /> ---------- <br />