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CCP 08-10-1998
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CCP 08-10-1998
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<br /> DRAFT <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION - JUL Y 20. 1998 5 <br />. <br /> Mr. Fritsinger stated that he and Mr. Ringwald had met with MnDOT officials several <br /> weeks ago, and that funding is currently available and MnDOT is pursuing the entire <br /> Arden Hills portion of the project - from Lexington A venue to Old Highway 8 _ as a <br /> federal project in the year 2000. This would require the County to complete their design <br /> by April or May of 1999. <br /> 0 Residential Buildin~ Demolition and Potential Excessinl!' ofPropertv <br /> Strategy: Determine exactly, "What is the excessing process?". Once we know what and <br /> who this all entails, further evaluate the strategy to influence it, which includes, "When <br /> are we in?; What's left to do?; Do we need to influence it?; If so, what and why?" <br /> Outside Assistance: No task force is necessary. Legal/Consulting/lobbying assistance <br /> would an be necessary. <br /> Budget: An approximate budget would be $50,000 to accomplish this task. <br /> Discussion: Mr, Fritsinger reported that this portion ofTCAAP was the first piece to be <br />. worked through the excessing process, and that the community has never pursued <br /> participation or whether we want to monitor or influence it. Mr. Fritsinger advised that <br /> there were numerous federal branches that may have first opportunity to obtain the <br /> property; making it necessary that the City regroup and become an active participant. <br /> It was the consensus of the Council that we need to control this first key property, or lose <br /> future participation; budget impacts; leverage issues; and meeting with GSA staff to <br /> confirm their support of the plan. <br /> 0 Re-Use Plan <br /> Strategy: There are three components to this strategy which are: <br /> 0 Adopt the Comprehensive Plan Update <br /> 0 Refresh memories of decision makers as to what the plan entails <br /> (constituency building) <br /> 0 Conduct Phase II Planning activities <br /> Outside Assistance: The Arden Hills Task Force and the Vento Re-Utilization <br /> Committee have completed their work with the Phase I planning. On the Phase II <br /> planning it may be appropriate to re-energize a task force on this issue, On <br /> implementation, there is no need for a task force, but legal/lobbying/consulting win an be <br /> necessary. <br />. Budget: The Comprehensive Plan update is already funded. The cost for constituency <br /> building is estimated at $5,000 and the cost for the phase II planning is estimated at <br /> $300,000. <br />
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