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<br /> . SENT BY:PETERSON FRAM BERGMAN; 8- 6-38 ;12:02PM ;PETERSON FRAM BERGMA~ 6126337833;# 3/13 <br /> - February 21, 1991:1, as a deadl i,nc t,o cOlllf-llu t" the neCf~SSal:y <br /> irnpr.-ovementB to the Property. This qave the Defendant, a reasonable <br /> amount of time to complete the neccssary improvements. 1\6 of l:he <br /> date of the current Motion, and this Order, essentially none of the <br /> improvements have been made. <br /> 12. The City has produced evidence in the form of an <br /> Affidavit. by t.he City's Building :rnspector that it. is not <br /> economically f.easible to repai}:- the House La bring it into <br /> compliance with the Code. Therefore, a reasondble alternative is <br /> to direct t,he Defendant to demolish the Housc in with <br /> the HiJ.zardous Building Statute, or in the I'll tel:'na ti ve, allow the <br /> City to demolish the Hous", in accordance with the Hazardous <br /> Building Statute. However, Steven Nixon has requested additional <br /> II time to bring the Property into compliance with the City's Code. <br /> '- The City, at the hearing on the current motion, agreed to give Mr_ <br /> Nixon unti], August 15, 199B, to complete all repairs, improvements, <br /> or modifications to the Property which may be necessary in order to <br /> bring the I?roperty into compliance with the City's Code. This <br /> would include obtaining all of the necessary permits to complete <br /> such repairs, improvements, or modifications_ <br /> l3. As of the date of the Motion, the City has incurred <br /> attorney's fees, expense"" and other costs i,n connection with this <br /> matter in the amount of $4,280:00 which'ar,e reimbursable under the <br /> Hazardoul'l Building Statutc_ Said amount is reasonable under the <br /> . The word "charged" in Minn. Stat. !l463.161 means <br /> that such cost can be a lien against the Property. The City has <br /> - S <br /> ~ <br />