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<br />. CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: August 7,1998 <br /> TO: MoY" ..d C;ty C...," i;J <br /> FROM: Brian Fritsinger, City Administrato <br /> SUBJECT: Administrator Comments for the Au~st 10, 1998 Council Meetin~ <br /> 1. Approval of Minutes <br /> The City Council is asked to approve the Minutes of the July 20, 1998 Council <br /> Worksession and the July 27,1998 Regular Council Meeting. <br /> 2. Consent Calendar <br /> a. Claims and PavroU <br /> The Council is asked to approve claims in the amount of $132,93 1.94, and payroll <br /> for the period most recently ended. The City Council should note payment to <br />e BRW, Inc. in the amount of $24,292.05 for engineering services; and to Ramsey <br /> County in the amount of $52,072.37 for August law enforcement. <br /> b. Appointment of Election Judges <br /> The City Council is asked to appoint the Election Judges identified to serve for the <br /> September Primary Election, and authorize the appointment of additional judges <br /> as necessary. <br /> 3. Unfinished and New Business <br /> a. Planninl! Cases <br /> 1. Case #98-17.4326 North Snelling Avenue <br /> The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the minor <br /> subdivision, easement vacation, and variances for the McClung <br /> Subdivision, subject to a number of conditions. <br /> b. Code Enforcement Cases <br /> 1. 3171/3183 Lexington Avenue <br /> The City Council is asked to adopt Resolution #98-51, authorizing the <br /> commencement of proceedings under Minnesota Statutes 9463.15, ET. <br />. SEQ., relative to 3171 and 3183 Lexington Avenue. <br />