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CCP 12-07-1998
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CCP 12-07-1998
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<br /> . ' <br /> . . <br /> GLOSSARY OF TERMS - <br /> CIRCUIT BREAKER - A state-paid property tax refund MARKET VALUE - An assessor's estimate of what prop- <br /> program for homeowners who have property taxes erty would be worth if sold on the open market. <br /> out of proportion with their income. A similar The market value is set on January 2 of the year <br /> program is also available to renters. before taxes are payable. <br /> CLASS RATES - The percent of market value set by state MARKET VALVE LEnES - '-oter approved levies applied <br /> law that establishes the property's tax capacity to a parcel's market value rather than tax capacity. <br /> subject to the property tax. (See Table A for a <br /> sample list of class rates) PROPERTY CLASS - The classification assigned to each <br /> parcel of property based on the use of the property. <br /> FISCAL DISPARITIES PROGRAMS - Local units of govern- For example. owner-occupied residential property <br /> ment in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and on is classified as homestead. <br /> the Iron Range participate in property tax base <br /> sharing programs. Under these two programs, a PROPERTY TAX LEVY - The tax imposed by a local unit of <br /> portion of the growth in commercial and industrial government. The tax is established on or around <br /> property value of each city and township is contrib- December 28 of the year preceding the year that the <br /> uted to a tax base sharing pool. Each city and levy will be paid by taxpayers_ <br /> township then receives a distribution of property <br /> value from the pool based on market value and TARGETING REFUND - A state paid property tax refund <br /> population in each city. for homeowners whose property taxes have in- <br /> creased by more than 12 percent. A similar pro- <br /> HOMESTEAD AND AGRICULTURAL CREDIT AID (HACA) - A gram is available to cabin owners. e <br /> property tax relief program that replaced the fonner <br /> homestead credit program and the agricultural TAX CAPACITY - The valuation of property based on <br /> credit program. HACA is tied to class rate reduc- market value and statutory class rates_ The prop- <br /> tions for certain classes of property. erty tax for each parcel is based on its tax capacity. <br /> LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID (LGA) - A state government TAXABLE TAlC CAPACITY - The sum of the tax capacities <br /> revenue sharing program for cities and townships of all parcels in the taxing jurisdiction after adjust- <br /> that is intended to provide an alternative to the ments for fiscal disparities, tax increment and other <br /> property ta.~. LOA is distributed through a fonnula property not available for general tax purposes. <br /> based on tax base, population, population decline, <br /> age of housing. and the percent of market value TOTAL TAlI: CAPACITY' The amount computed by first <br /> classified as commercial or industrial. No city can totaling the tax capacities 'of all parcels of property <br /> receive less LOA than it did in 1993. within a city. <br /> LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID (LPA) - A state program for TOTAL TA.'( RATE - the sum of the local tax rates for all <br /> cities and counties that is intended to provide an taxing authorities that levy against a parcel of <br /> incentive for local govemments to develop perfor- property (county, school, city or town, and special <br /> mance measurement systems. taxing districts). The total tax rate times the <br /> parcel's tax capacity equals the amount of taxes the <br /> LOCAL TAX RATE - The rate used to compute most taxes property pays (not counting any voter.approved <br /> for each parcel of property. Local tax rate is market value levies). <br /> computed by dividing the certified levy (after <br /> reduction for fiscal disparities distribution levy, if TRUTH IN TAXATION - The taxation and notification law, <br /> applicable. and county disparity reduction aid) by which requires local governments to set estimated e <br /> the taxable tax capacity. levies, infonn taxpayers about the impacts, and <br /> hold a separate hearing to take taxpayer input. <br /> Slide No. 14 <br /> \ <br />
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