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CCP 05-10-1999
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CCP 05-10-1999
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - APRIL 26, 1999 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />16 <br /> <br />The Public Works Director recommends that the City Council authorize staff to seek Requests . <br />for Proposal to furnish and install new radio read water meters, to the City's specifications, to <br />that portion of the City south of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Sault Saint Marie Railroad consisting <br />of approximately 1,300 homes. <br /> <br />Staffrecommends that this installation begin in the 1999 - 2000 year. Staff would also <br />recommend, as an alternate to the proposal, to furnish and install the same equipment for the <br />residential homes on the north side of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Sault Saint Marie Railroad, <br />which would consist of approximately I, I 00 homes, Payment would be on a per unit basis, <br /> <br />Included with the southern replacement, the City should provide radio read meters to the Pemtom <br />Townhouse Association for installation by their plumbers. The Pemtom Association plans on <br />residing all the townhouses this year, and prefers not to drill holes in the new siding to mount old <br />style remote readers on a temporary basis. They also plan on replacing defective valves on both <br />sides of their current water meters, necessitating the removal of the existing meter. <br /> <br />In all cases, it would be the recommendation of staff that meters less than 10 years of age not be <br />replaced, and be only upgraded to radio read technology. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst asked why the project would not be bid for the entire community at one time with <br />installation over a two year period. He indicated that, if only half of the project is bid now and <br />halflater, this will give the successful vendor an unfair advantage. Mr. Fritsinger explained that <br />the idea was to provide the City a way to get out of the project if problems arise since the project <br />is so large. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone moved and Councilmember Aplikowski seconded a <br />motion to authorize staff to seek Requests for Proposal to furnish and install new <br />radio read water meters, to the City's specifications, in phases as deemed <br />appropriate. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />ADMINISTRATOR COMMENTS <br /> <br />Mr. Fritsinger referred to the earlier discussions of the May Worksession and the committee and <br />audio/visual program discussions. He asked if the Council would prefer for the W orksession to <br />be only for the committee meeting, or if it should include the audio/visual discussions as well. <br />Councilmember Larson asked ifit would be possible to start the Worksession at the usual time in <br />order to complete the business of the committees and complete the remaining business after 7 :00 <br />p.m. Mr. Fritsinger stated that this would be possible. <br /> <br />Mr. Fritsinger requested eonfirmation that the audio/visual presentation should be held at the <br />next Worksession. Councilmember Aplikowski stated that this would be acceptable providing <br />there is no need for a field trip. Mr. Fritsinger stated that he did not believe that a field trip <br />would be necessary <br /> <br />. <br />
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