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<br />. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 29, 1999 <br /> <br />DRAFT 3 <br /> <br />The actual facility costs in the total package would be $84.9 million dollars. $1.3 million dollars <br />would come from interest income, $3 million dollars would come from District Capital <br />expenditures, and $600,000 would come from Cities and Athletic Associations. The remaining <br />$80 million dollars would be raised by the Bond Referendum. <br /> <br />The primary improvements being considered include the maintenance of the deteriorating <br />facilities; improving the air quality; upgrading the athletic facilities; and upgrading the <br />technology infrastructure and instructional programs of science, math and music facilities. <br /> <br />The two schools serving Arden Hills will be greatly improved by the Bond Referendum. Major <br />upgrades are being proposed to both the Mounds View and Valentine Hills facilities. <br /> <br />Mr. Fox stated that the School Board passed the proposal in late January 1999. In February, the <br />Vote Yes Committee was organized as a citizens group with finance, strategy and marketing <br />volunteers. <br /> <br />Considering the strong community involvement, Mr. Fox indicated that he was confused by <br />where any opposition would come from, other than those who simply are opposed to higher <br />taxes. Special brochures had been prepared for each of the communities involved in order to <br />demonstrate how the Referendum relates to their particular needs. Additionally, the Vote Yes <br />Committee will be providing a video, phone banks will be set up, and block parties and building <br />tours will be organized. <br /> <br />Mr. Fox noted that he has done a great deal of local volunteer work over the last three to five <br />years and he has found it difficult to get people involved in volunteer work. He indicated that the <br />number of people working on the V ote Yes Committee for the Bond Referendum impressed him. <br /> <br />Mr. Fox indicated tours have been scheduled for the two Arden Hills schools. The tour of <br />Valentine Hills will be April 26, 1999 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 :00 p.m. The tour of Mounds View <br />will be May 4, 1999. <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone asked if the air quality issue would involve the wholesale replacement <br />of all heating units. He also asked if the current heating units are original. Dr. Witthuhn stated <br />that the heaters are original and it is correct that they would all be replaced. She indicated that <br />the School Board felt very strongly that the air quality was a serious enough issue to address in <br />this manner. She noted that, over the years, the equipment has been repaired, however, often <br />times patching old equipment with new parts does not work properly. <br /> <br />Dr. Witthuhn slated that the buildings have the old AUnivent systems that were meant to <br />circulate air at a certain rate. This circulation rate had been acceptable at the time; however, it is <br />no longer acceptable. Additionally, some of the units are no longer working up to their original <br />capacity. <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone asked if the deferred maintenance program would include the windows <br />and roofs. Dr. Witthuhn explained that this program covers a variety of items that would be <br />explained in more detail on the tour. Some items are not things that are obvious, such as <br />