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<br />Dl~AFT <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 29, 1999 <br /> <br />16 <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson stated that he had spoken with Mr. Fritsinger regarding the status of the <br />land transfer. Given the fact that the City is working under a 90-day clock to accept bids for the <br />new City Hall, it seems the City must have a plan for moving the process along. He noted that <br />there is conflicting information on whether or not the agreement has been signed. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson suggested that the City should have a plan in mind to use its <br />congressional delegation, if necessary. He noted that there is still a lease to negotiate and there is <br />some uncertainty whether the Minnesota National Guard can consummate the lease or if it must <br />go to Washington D.C. He expressed his concern for how this will affect the bids. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst suggested that, if an answer is not received this week regarding the status of the <br />agreement, the Council should have a plan of action for the next Council meeting to be more <br />aggressive in seeking help to move the process along. He noted that the information does match <br />up to indicate that the deal has been made, however, no one can produce any sort of proof. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson expressed his concern for waiting too long and affecting the bid process <br />for the new City Hall. He suggested that some action should be taken if there is no answer by <br />Wednesday of this week. Mr. Fritsinger stated that the attorney for the National Guard had <br />indicated that information should be received by Thursday of this week. If the City does not hear <br />anything by the end of the week, action should then be taken. e <br /> <br />Mr. Fritsinger stated that the key issue to discuss with the Minnesota National Guard is <br />determining what opportunities there may be to move ahead with the lease, outside the normal <br />process. The lease will need to go to Washington D.C. and hasn't yet because the land transfer <br />has not formally taken place. Mr. Fritsinger stated that it would be appropriate to wait until the <br />end of the week and, if new information were not received, the Staff would contact the <br />Minnesota National Guard. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson expressed his concern for waiting an additional two weeks without <br />taking action. He stated that the Council should consider what the next step would be. Mr. <br />Fritsinger suggested a simple answer might be to contact the Congressional Representatives and <br />inquire regarding the status of the transfer. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson suggested having a member of Congress contact the Minnesota National <br />Guard on the City's behalf. Councihnember Aplikowski noted that the Congressional <br />Representatives are in the State of Minnesota at this time and this would be the time to ask for <br />help. She asked if it would help for her to make some phone calls. Mr. Fritsinger stated that this <br />might help. <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone noted that the City does not want to aggravate anyone in this process. <br />Mr. Fritsinger stated that the inquiry to be made would simply be regarding the status of the land <br />transfer. He indicated that he would not want to discuss the lease issues until there is an <br />opportunity to talk with General LeBlanc. <br /> <br />. <br />