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CCP 05-17-1999
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CCP 05-17-1999
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<br />~ <br /> <br />Direction for development of Morris Communications property <br />Page Two <br />May 17, 1999 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Where are we at now? <br />Morris Communications, as their name implies, are not real estate developers. They are <br />approaching a point where they will be making a long-term decision on what to do with the <br />property. The professional representatives of Morris Communications have informed the City <br />that there appears to be three courses of action from their perspective: <br /> <br />I. Take the property off the market and forget about developing it; <br />2. Sell the property to a developer who wishes to do something less than office; or <br />3. Sell to the CitylEDA. <br /> <br />The professional representatives of Morris Communications have requested Staffto find out if <br />the City/EDA would interested in purchasing the site. They have also indicated to Staff that the <br />CitylEDA could purchase the site at a substantial discount from its estimated market value of <br />$1,466,400. The range of numbers for the property's acquisition that their real estate appraiser <br />previously provided Staff was in the $500,000 ($0.62/s1) to $600,000 ($0.74/s1) range. <br /> <br />Take the property off the Market <br />This scenario obviously has the lowest short term cost to the City. However, it would be <br />reasonable to assume that the long term development costs would be much higher given that the <br />City would no longer be dealing with a willing seller (ie., condemnation). Additionally, if a <br />developer did come forward to build an office building on this property the actual development <br />time would also be substantially be increased due to the time required to acquire an unwilling <br />seller. Lastly, from a developer's perspective having the budget and time unknowns related to <br />the acquisition of this property and possibly the A TS Steel property may be significant enough to <br />cause a developer to pass on doing a project on this site and move on to "easier" pastures. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Sell to a Developer to do somethinl! besides Office <br />This scenario would obviously put the new owner desires at loggerheads with the City's stated <br />objectives (policy and ordinance) to place an office development on this property. The City <br />would be required to expend unknown amounts oftime and money, if the City wishes to <br />maintain its currently stated development objectives for this property. <br /> <br />Sell to the Citv/EDA <br />Short of finding an Office developer for the site, this scenario would appear to have the lowest <br />long term cost to the City. If the anticipated selling price is realized, then the City should be able <br />to recoup its investment with any user it could place on the site (ie., the properties to the north <br />generally sold for $1.30/sf to $2.25/s1). The City would be paying for an "opportunity cost" to <br />preserve its vision for the subject property and could wait until the market is ripe to implement <br />that vision and the current owner could go back to the communications business. <br /> <br />. <br />
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