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<br />8TH <br /> <br /> <br />FRIDA Y <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />SAINT PAUL PIONEER PRESS <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Oakdale <br />pushes for <br />underground <br />power lines <br /> <br />JIM BROEDE STAFF WRITER <br /> <br />In' Oakdale, <br />high-wire acts <br />may become a <br />thing of the <br />past. <br />The City <br />Council is <br />expected to <br />adopt' an ordi- <br />nance Tuesday <br />requiring all <br />future power <br />line installa- <br />tions to go underground in the <br />Community of 25,000 residents, <br />"More and more of our citi- <br />zens are ohjecting to overhead <br />lines," Council Member Sherry <br />Timmermann said. "It's mostly <br />an issu'e of aesthetics. If those <br />,lines are buried, it'll improve the <br />scenery . around here.'" <br />The city's planning commission <br />voted unanimously -to recom- <br />mend approval of the newordi- <br />Dance. <br />But there's opposition from <br />Northern States Power Co. <br />John Wertish, NSP's communi- <br />ty service manager, said it will <br />cost an ,extra $338,000 to bury a <br />proposed new mainline feeder <br />intended to serve Imation, a fast- <br />expanding 3M spin-off company <br />in Oakdale. <br /> <br />IF YOU GO <br /> <br />The City <br />Council '1'11I <br />.meet at 7 <br />p.m. Tues- <br />day In Oak- <br />dale City <br />Hall,1584 <br />Hadley Ave. <br />N. <br /> <br />NSP asked the city to pay the <br />additional cost, but the City <br />Council denied the request. <br />"NSP will make a nice profit <br />from a high-power user' such as <br />Imation and other development <br />in Oakdale," city administrator <br />Craig Waldron said. "That should <br />allow NSP to easily offset those <br />additional costs, probably in less <br />than a year." <br />Timmermann, meanwhile, <br />called for NSP to be a good <br />neighbor. <br />"It wouldn't burt for NSP to <br />spend more on aesthetics," sbe <br />said. "Tbat power line to Imation <br />will pass by a residential neigb- <br />borhood wbere the people recent- <br />ly objected to having to look at a <br />new nearby service station and <br />small strip shopping center, <br />Now, if they have to also look at <br />overbeaa power lines, they'll be <br />even more upset." <br />Wertish said tbe issue goes <br />beyond money. " " <br />'''Underground lines aren't <br />always the most reliable way to <br />go," be said. "When we bave <br />problems with nndergronnd lines, <br />the outages usually last longer, <br />It's easier locating and fixing a <br />problem on an overhead line." <br /> <br />In Eagan, where underground <br />lines have been required in new <br />subdivisions since the 1970s, city <br />officials say the problems have <br />been few and far between, <br />"I've been here since 1979," <br />Eagan public works director <br />Tom Colbert said, "and I can't. <br />recall a single power outage due <br />to underground line .failure. Out- <br />ages bave been primarily tbe <br />result of storm damage to elec- <br />trical substations." <br />Overbead lines are allowed in <br />Eagan only in rare instances, <br />"Obviously, higb.voltage trans-' <br />mission lines are too expensive <br />or impractical to go under-' <br />ground," Colbert said. "But all <br />local distribution lines are <br />buried." ' , <br />The City Council will meet at' I <br />7 p,m. Tuesday in Oakdale City <br />Hall, 1564 Hadley Ave. N, <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />e <br />