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<br />Lease for Bingo Activity- LG222 \f"fJh~'''- ~ 1.--/ (p <br /> <br />I BINGO HALL LESSOR I I LESSOR PROHIBITIONS I <br /> <br />When leasing from a licensed bingo hall. the Management 01 Gambling Prohibited responsible forthe illegal gambling activity <br />lessor must be the legal owner of the The owner of the premises or the lessor will are also agents or employees of the <br />property. not manage the conduct 01 gambling at the lessor. <br />premises. 4. The lessor shall not modify or terminate <br />I ACCESS TO PERMITTED PREMISES Participation as Players Prohibited the lease in whole or in part because the <br />organization reported to a state or local <br />State 01 Minnesota and Law Enforcement The lessor, the Iesso(s immediate (emily. and law enforcement authority or the board the <br />any agents or gambling employees of the tth 't f'll I <br />lessor will not participate as players In the occurrence a e Sl e 0 I ega gambling <br />conduct of lawful gambling on the premises. activity In which the organization did not <br />participate. <br />Illegal Gambling Other Prohibitions <br />1. The lessor is aware of the prohibition 1. The lessor will not Impose restrictions on <br />against illegal gambling in Minnesota the organization with respect to providers <br />StaMes. section 609.75, and the penalties (distributors) of gambling-related <br />for Illegal gambling violations in Minnesota equipment and services or in the use 01 <br />Rules, part 7861.0050, subpart 3. net profits for lawful purposes. <br />2. To the best 01 the lesso(s knowledge, the 2. The lessor, the lesso(s immediate family, <br />lessor affirms that any and all games or and any agenls or employees of the lessor <br />devices located on the premises are not will not require the organization to perform . . <br />being used. and are not capable of being any action that would violate statute or rule~ ". <br />used, in a manner that violates the <br />prohibitions against illegal gambling In 3. II there Is a dispute as to whether'any 01 <br />Minnesota Statutes, section 609.75, and these lease provisions have been violated, <br />the penalties for illegal gambling violations the lease will remain in effect pending'a <br />in Minn. Rules, pt 7861.0050, subp. 3. final determination by the Compliance <br />Review Group (CRG) 01 the Gambling <br />3. Notwithstanding Minnesota Rules, part Control Board. . <br />7861.0050, subpart 3, an organization <br />must continue making rent payments, 4. The lessor shall not modify or terminate <br />pursuant to the terms of the lease, if the this lease in whole or in part due to the <br />organization or its agents are found to be lesso(s violation of the provisions listed in <br />solely responsible for any illegal gambling this lease. <br />conducted at that site that is prohibited by Arbitration Process <br />Minnesota Rules, part7861.0050, subpart The lessor agrees to arbitration when a <br />1, or Minnesota Statutes, section 609.75, violation 01 these lease provisions is alleged, <br />unless the organization's agents The arbitrator shall be the CRG. <br /> <br />The board and Its agents, the commissioners <br />01 revenue and public safety and their agents, <br />and law enforcement personnel have access <br />to the permitted premises at any reasonable <br />time during the business hours of tile lessor. <br /> <br />Organization <br /> <br />The organization has access to tile permitted <br />premises during any time reasonable and <br />when necessary lor the conduct 01 lawful <br />gambling on the premises. <br /> <br />I LESSOR RECORDS MAINTAINED <br /> <br />The lessor shall maintain a record of all <br />money received from the organization, and <br />make the record available to the board and <br />its agents, and the commissioners of <br />revenue and public safety and their agents <br />upon demand. The record shall be <br />maintained for a period of3-1/2 years. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />OTHER OBLIGATIONS AND AGREEMENTS - Attachment <br />All obligations and agreements between the organization and the lessor are contained in or attached to this lease. (Attach <br />additional sheets if necessary. Any attachments to this lease must be dated and signed by both the lessor and lessee.) The <br />cost of any goods or services that the lessee purchases from the lessor or from a third-party vendor pursuant to the items <br />of the lease, including but not limited to trash removal, snow removal, parking lot maintenance, or building maintenance for <br />the bingo leased premises, are contained In or attached to this lease and are valued at their fair market value. <br />.Additional payments of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) per Bingo session' <br />'" . ~ . , ...; I , , , , . <br /> '"h 'b' . <br />Elj;hibit 'IAII main floor plan (attached) and Ex 1. 1.t "Bu Bingo HallRules <br />;~.;f_~'-"l mad'e apart . <br />(attached) are of this lease. <br /> <br />'.....,: <br /> <br />Ttiis'I~~$e is the total and only agreement between the lessor and the organization conducting bingo. There is no otller agreement <br />and no other consideration required between the parties as to the lawful ambling and other matters related to this lease. Any <br />changes in this lease will be submitted to the Gambling Control Board t da s prior to the effective date ofthe change. <br /> <br />...... ",A~;i"'>{ ,". <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />S ure of tessor <br /> <br />Gorale K. Siedow, Owner & <br />Print Name and TiUe oftessor <br /> <br />Questions on this form should be directed to the Licensing <br />Section of the Gambling Control Board (Board) at 651-639- <br />4000. " . ..,.. <br />T,h,i~j~~b,~""ti~n will ~e made available in altemativ.e for;nat <br />(i.e. large' .prlnt, BraIlle) upon request. Hearing ImpaIred <br />indiv.lduals using aTTY may call the Minnesota RelayS"""lce <br /> <br /> <br />,~~;i~; '.';~ <br /> <br />. ,"..;,.. '.~.. <br />Sole:Prop. ,.Al ta Bordeaux, President. <br />Print Name and Title of Lessee <br /> <br />at 1-800-627-3529 and ask to place a call to 651-639-4000. The <br />information requested on this form will become public information <br />when received by the Board, and will be used to determine your <br />compliance with Minnesota statutes and rules goveming lawful <br />gambling activities. ""''':'''''' Page20f2 <br /> <br />,". ".. . .... l!91l , <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />.,.......... <br />: ".~~.I 'j ". <br />