<br />
<br />DRAFT
<br />
<br />2
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />Mr. Post reminded Councilmembers that the Preliminary 2000 Levy was to be adopted and
<br />submitted to Ramsey COlUlty by September 15, 1999, and he had targeted the September 13,
<br />1999 regular City Council meeting for adoption of the Preliminary Levy,
<br />
<br />RECESS
<br />
<br />MOTION:
<br />
<br />Couneilmember Malone moved and Councilmember Larson seeonded a motion to
<br />recess the regular meeting and 2000 Budget/CIP discussion meeting at 7:28p,m,
<br />to open the Speeial Economie Development Authority meeting, The motion
<br />carried unanimously (5-0),
<br />
<br />
<br />Mayor Probst reconvened the regular City Council meeting at 7:31 p,m" following the
<br />adjournment of the Special meeting of the Economic Development Authority,
<br />
<br />
<br />A. July 12, 1999 Regular Council Meeting
<br />
<br />Councilmember Malone requested the amount on page 5, second paragraph, from "$0,000" to
<br />"$70,000,"
<br />
<br />. Mayor Probst requested the following changes: page 12, third paragraph from the bottom, third
<br />sentence should read, "..,this is NOT true," Also, at the end of the third sentenee, add ".., and
<br />there are wetland replaeement options available to the college,"
<br />
<br />Mayor Probst also stated that on page 12, the last paragraph needed clarification regarding the
<br />proposed City Hall site, Staff was directed to eliminate the first sentence and modify the
<br />remainder of the paragraph to accurately reflect the timing issue as follows: "Once staff has
<br />better information regarding the land transfer status, it will be brought to the City Council in
<br />order to decide how to proceed, The City will not proceed with construction bids until the status
<br />of the land transfer is known and related paperwork is completed,
<br />
<br />B, July 26,1999 Regular Council Meeting
<br />
<br />Councilmember Malone requested the following changes: page 6, top paragraph, the statement
<br />was made by Mr. Ringwald, not Councilmember Malone; page 11, the fragment paragraph at the
<br />top, second line, change to " , , " the engineering firm that speeified the product is no longer
<br />contracting with the City...."; page 12, spelling correction of "rationale,"
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />Couneilmember Rem requested the following changes: page 10, paragraph 5, add
<br />"Councilmember Rem requested confirmation that the City's policy is that roads are scheduled
<br />for sealcoating every 4 - 5 years, and Lake Valentine is on schedule for 1999, which is only 3
<br />years after its reconstruction, Mr. Brown eonfirmed this,"
<br />