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<br />9, Upon completion of the project, the City shall own, maintain, and replace as needed all specialty <br />landscape features as identified in Cost Participation Groups or as later eonstrueted by the City by <br />separate contract such as speeialty plants, noise wall treatments, irrigation equipment, lighting, ete, <br />Any modifications to those materials shall be subject to County approval. <br /> <br />10, Any utilities or facilities modified or added to those provisions presently made in the plans and <br />specifications may be ineorporated in the eonstruetion contract by supplemental agreement and shall <br />be paid for as speeified in the supplemental agreement, Design and eonstruetion engineering fees for <br />additions shall be negotiated at the time of supplemental agreement preparation, <br /> <br />11. The City shall reimburse the County for engineering costs incurred on its share of projeet design and <br />administration, as set forth in Exhibit A, as a preliminary engineering fee, Said fee shall be 10% of <br />item costs for which the City is responsible for, as determined at the time of eontraet award. <br /> <br />12, The City shall reimburse the County for engineering costs ineurred on its share of project <br />eonstruction, as set forth in Exhibit A, as a construetion engineering fee, Said fee shall be 10% of <br />item costs for which the City is responsible for, as determined upon completion ofthe projeet, <br /> <br />13, Throughout projeet design and eonstruction, the County shall prepare partial eost and payment <br />estimates for preliminary engineering fees, construetion eosts, and eonstruetion engineering fees and, <br />at appropriate intervals, notify the City of its share of the eosts for the City's items of work, The City <br />shall pay its share of engineering fees and construction costs upon receipt of County invoice, <br />Invoices received by the 10th of the month shall be paid within 30 days, or by the end of the month, <br /> <br />14, The City shall pay to the County all additional remaining eosts for its share of the work upon <br />notification by the County of the final amounts due to the contraetor, <br /> <br />15, All payments by the City shall be to the Treasurer of Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br /> <br />16, The City and the County agree to indemnify each other and hold each other harmless from any and <br />all claims, causes of action, lawsuits, judgments, eharges, demands, costs and expenses including, <br />but not limited to, interest involved therein and attorneys' fees and eosts and expenses conneeted <br />therewith, arising out of or resulting from the failure of either party to satisfy the provisions of this <br />agreement or for damages caused to third parties as a result ofthe manner in whieh the City or the <br />County perform or fail to perform duties imposed on each party by the terms of this agreement. <br />Nothing herein will constitute a waiver oflimitations ofliability available at Minnesota Statute <br />Chapter 466 and other applieable law, <br /> <br />99011-3 <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />1 <br />I <br />~ <br /> <br />tit <br /> <br />- <br />