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<br />J <br />, <br /> <br />Organization license APPlication. LG200A <br /> <br />"" <br /> <br />The information req ested rm ( nd <br />any attachments) Will be Used by the GambUng <br />Control Boam (Board) to determine yourquaU_ <br />fications 10 be involveeI In lawful gambling ac- <br />tivities in Minnesota, and to assist the Board in <br />conducting a background investigation Of You. <br />You have Ihe right to refuse 10 SUPPly the in- <br />formallon requested; however, if you refuse <br />to SUPPly this Information, the Board may nOI <br />be abie to determine Your quaUfications and, <br />as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a <br />lioense./fyOu sllpp/Ylhe information teqUSstect, <br />the Board Will be able to Process YOUr appUca_ <br />lion. <br /> <br />This form may require the diSclOsure Of Your <br />SOciai Security number. If so, Your SOCial <br />Security number Will be USed to determine yOur <br /> <br /> Gambling Manager <br /> Name of Your organization's gambUng manager Address City Slate/Zlp <br /> ^-latcJ.le }v(QC~ 7/2../ Show 00Ln UnO l~ N/..j 550 14 <br /> O".nl''''on Inoom. 'nd A'U"d.. ''''''h '''m"",,I'h~. . '~'h"Y) <br /> '" o.."..,~ m" '" ~~ .... "..,,~ "W(" "_,. """",, ,,"... "_ _ ,,", '.."...., <br /> raises funds. <br /> ~ (u/lpCf/~ .BCrjOdiCJ.~eol)s. <br /> .' <br /> " """',,,,, .,. -. "" .,.... · "- ."...."~. WhO( h -. ,,-, """ """ .... -m"", _ <br /> gambling? _ ) () _% <br /> AttaChments and Information ReqUired <br /> - Organization Officers Affidavit. LG200B - CompenSation SChedule, LG205 <br /> o CEO and treasurer must eaCh COmplete 0 Use to report all wages Paid to emplOYees <br /> - Proof of NonprOfit Status involved in the COndUct of laWful gambling. <br /> - Organization BYlaws o If no wages paid, return the LG205 Signed by <br /> Membership LiSf, signed by CEO and notarized the CEO stating "No compenSation Paid." <br /> - - Registration of Paid Gambling EmplOYees, <br /> Intemal Controls, LG201 <br /> - Allach a flow chart ShOWing the structure of Your LG209 <br /> organiZation and a separate WHllen eXPlanation of <br /> administrative duties. <br />ACknoWledgment <br />I declare thaI: <br />0 I have read this application and all infOrmation sUbmilled 0 Any Changes in apPUcation infOrmation Will be SUbmit. <br /> to the Board. ted to the Board and local govemment Wifhin ten dayS <br />0 All information is true, aCCurate, and COmplete. Of/he change. <br />0 All other required information has been fully diSclosed. 0 A termination plan Will be sUbm/lled to the Board Within <br />0 I am ihe chief executive Officer of the organization. 30 days of termination of OUr gambling operation. <br />0 f assume full responSibility for the fair and laWful opera. 0 I certify that the gambling manager Is bOnded and <br /> tion of all actiVities to be COnducted. licensed as reqUired per Minnesota statutes. <br />0 I Will familiarize mYself With the laws of Minnesota 0 Failure to prOVide required Information or ProViding false <br /> goVeming laWful gambling and rules of the Board, and or miSleading information may result in the denial Or <br /> agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, revocation Of the license. <br /> inClUding amendments to them. .' I <br />"- "'''''' "'''W~ -"(i/Mc-~ 'i/ "./'/Hi~ - Date_~/-2::.~ <br /> Mail To: Gambling ContrOl Board QUestions? Call the licensing SeCtion of the GambUng Control <br /> Suite 300 South 80am at 651-639-4000. If you use a ny, you can call the 80am <br /> 1711 W. COunty Road 8 by Using the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627_3529 afl(f <br /> ask to place a call 10 651-639-4000. This form Will be made <br /> RosevlI/e, MN 55113 available in altematl\le format (i.e. large Print Braille) upon request <br /> u on this fa a <br /> <br />Page 3 of3 <br />4/99 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />.e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />-~.......... "~~-.. -""'--~-...... <br />-.."'---- -.'''-.............- <br />-,.~..,",."..,'X,' _ _ _ "'_"'''' <br />...-.M_...._."'. ~~_...._,.._ <br />~.~ - --".. .~" "''' ,.,,,....,, - ....,.. ""- <br />..._.....~.....""..Oh- __..__ <br />.. ........ - ~'" ......... ..., -...... '-..M_, <br />... """,. ""'.. - ..... SO""___.-.... <br />"""'. '0".. --.... ~.... "m...~, _ _......., <br />-...-........"..., .--.""'-...- <br />..,.,--""-,~.- ,. --... ..~-..., <br />,,, SO", ,~'" _., ~"'''. Wh'~ .....,.... ....., ... .... ._ <br />-""0. "..'........... '''__,__", <br />_.-..,..,,-~....... "'.,........ -, .....,. . - <br />"""'''.. "'-" -" '" "- .."..... ."-.. -.."- <br />- -. ~O.. __ "SO" __, .M........_,_"" <br />name and address Which Will remain PUblic. <br /> <br />. <br />