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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Strike "Agriculture" as a use from Section V, Land Use Chart as follows: <br /> <br />USES <br /> <br />R-I R-2 <br />IT IT <br /> <br />R-3 <br />IT <br /> <br />R-4 NO 8-1 B-2 B-3 8-4 GB I-I 1-2 I-FLEX <br />IT P IT P <br /> <br />6. In the 1999 Legislative Session, the City's power to amortize land uses was revoked, as <br />stated in Chapter 96-S.F. No 854. The only uses that a city may amortize are those <br />relating to, " bookstores, adults-only theatres, or similar adults-only <br />business as defined by ordinance..." and for "...the prevention or abatement of <br />nuisances.. .or eliminating a use determined to be a public nuisance.. .". Therefore, the <br />language that is currently in the zoning ordinance regarding amortizing nonconforming <br />uses should be revised. <br /> <br />Amend Section IX (H), Amortization of Nonconforming Use as follows: <br /> <br />H. Amortization ofNOlicsflfsmHflg IIse ALLOWED BY LAWS OF MINNESOTA <br />1999, CHAPTER 96 <br />}. lmilaiflg eOflstiHitiftg or eoataifliflg a floRcsflfoffilmg ase shaH Be tom as?:fl <br />alia remtr/ea from the let OR ~.'"lhieh it is leeated, or e0wlertca to a eSflfoFFfliRg <br />use, BY tRe efu4 of a TeaseRaBle perioa of amortizatioR thereof; iR He ease less <br />tflBH five (5) years after Rstifieatisfl BY the eity eOlmeil. THE CITY HAS THE <br />AUTHORITY TO ENACT AND ENFORCE AN AMORTIZATION OF USE <br />ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO LAWS OF MINNESOTA 1999, CHAPTER <br />96. <br /> <br />7. The numbering system of the ordinance is currently in Roman numerals and is difficult <br />to follow. Staff proposes that this be changed for ease of use as well as the page <br />numbering system, numbering pages from one (I) to the last page ofthe document. Also, <br />for ease of future revisions, the document should be placed in a binder with section tabs. <br /> <br />Amend and renumber all pages, Sections and the Table of Contents of the City of <br />Arden Hills Zoning Ordinance as follows: <br /> <br />SECTION J, 1 <br />SECTION If, 2 <br />SECTION lIh 3 <br />SECTION W. 4 <br />SECTION "I. 5 <br />SECTION '#. 6 <br />SECTION J,lH, 7 <br />SECTION .vm, 8 <br />SECTION ~ 9 <br />SECTION ~10 <br />SECTION ')g, 11 <br />SECTION;om. 12 <br />SECTION *HI. 13 <br /> <br />TITLE, PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />RULES, SCOPE, INTERPRETATION AND DEFINITIONS <br />MINIMUM ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE <br />ZONING MAP AND BOUNDARIES OF ZONING DISTRlCTS <br />DISTRlCT PROVISIONS <br />GENERAL REGULATIONS <br />SPECIAL USES <br />ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES <br />NON-CONFORMING USES, BUILDINGS AND LOTS <br />SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br />BUILDING PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY <br />ENFORCEMENT <br />EFFECTUATION <br /> <br />6 <br />