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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />..~. <br /> <br />measurement should be used? The lot line (56.9 feet) or the actual length of street edge <br />(42 feet)? Why must I be charged for what I do not have jurisdiction, or pay taxes on? <br />5. What is the real reason for this needless road repair? <br />I have heard explanations and justifications given; non can I consider valid. <br />:>> Drainage? How can new and costly holding ponds remove puddles two and three <br />blocks away with land higher between the little temporary puddles and the ponds? <br />How can curbs channel water more efficiently where water seldom collects, but may <br />if curbs are installed? <br />:>> Uniform street width? Street widths should vary as their function and use require. <br />Why, then, must a little used street be widened when it has little traffic? Variety is <br />far more interesting than uniformity. <br />:>> Appearance? Yes, I agree, we have an attractive neighborhood and city and we want <br />to preserve and improve them. However, curbs or no curbs do not make a <br />neighborhood or city more attractive. Trees, flowers, property maintenance and <br />orderliness, home design, AND city street cleaning will, but not curbs and the <br />potential removal of existing mature trees, bushes and flowers. <br />6. Why is it so imperative that a decision must be made so quickly? And with so <br />little input from the affected home owners? <br />Two hundred years ago the United States was founded because of the lack of citizen <br />representation. Has this basic government policy changed in Arden Hills? Yes, the cost <br />of any assessment is met with opposition, however, this sudden need for curbs and wider <br />streets strikes me as an unnecessary and excessive expenditure of money, effort and <br />inconvenience with no positive results or improvement of our neighborhood <br />environment. <br /> <br />Finally, looking at the maps, hearing the reasons, and trying to justifY these needless <br />"improvements", I wonder if those making these recommendations and commitments have ever <br />really examined our neighborhood over time. Even the maps provided by the BRW engineers <br />are incomplete and inaccurate. They do not depict what actually exists. Drainage problems <br />seem to be overstated and are even located where possible puddles seldom exist. The residents <br />of this area of Arden Hills deserve better service and consideration of their needs, desires, and <br />safety by their elected city officials and decision makers! <br /> <br />I will certainly attend the meeting on 10 January, as will my neighbors. <br /> <br />Most sincerely, <br /> <br />-J' ,-.-.... <br />. ~. <br />...~-l?~_ ----- ----- <br /> <br />Harold H. Alexander . ... .... <br />3251 Femwood Street <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112 <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />Ph: 651-481-9796 <br />e-mail: <br />