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<br /> <br />II. J.J...IVJ. '-.U <br /> <br />~s . SERVING NORTH SUBURBAN COMMUNITIE$ <br /> <br />SPOTLIGHT: ARDEN HILLS' INGERSON NEIGHBORHOOD <br /> <br />\o~ <br /> <br />CMIIISPGLI'DOROFFjPIONl:EIlP-<tts.s <br />Hills resldenteMerle 91.. left, All BIgp, Jollll SChmidt, UndI Swan80fl and Dale Lutz i1rt! among the nellhboni along Ingerson Road w1'Io oppose a plM to wtden the road <br />d ptten and stonn_rs. They say It will de8tfoy the runaI eIlalactln of tf1e nelgbborhood, Increaee trefftc and CO:Iit lIacI1 resklent an .".rage $8,000 In apeumenta. <br /> <br />oad <br /> <br />Blocks <br /> <br />City officials say the <br />streets in the <br />Ingerson neighborhood <br />are in bad shape and <br />need revamping, The <br />city is willing to spend <br />$2,2 million on the pro- <br />ject, which would widen <br />some streets and add <br />curbs and gutters. But <br />some residents oppose <br />the plan, saying they like <br />_rural/eel' of their <br /> <br />A neighborhood in Ardetl <br />Hills that bas wbat offi. <br />cials consider some of <br />tbe oldest and worat <br />streetcondiUonsmtbecitylsthe <br />focos of road recOPstructlon and <br />redesigDthis'Yf!M. <br />But residents are saying "no <br />tbanb" tG !be prop:lIl8ls that would <br />aller Ingersoo Raad,BamllDe.Avenue <br />Nortllandsurroundlngstreets. <br />The city is considering wideninll <br />the roads to the city's 3z..foot-wtde <br />street standard and Bv NANcY <br />addlng curbs and gut. <br />ters.1t is also consid-- NGo <br />ering abandonlD.8 a <br />portion of'North Ham- ~~R <br />line AVeD1Ie, between <br />Ingerson Road and <br />ruler Lane. Officials have said the <br />road is uudenlsed, and poor soB COD- <br />ditioDs make recoDstruction and <br />repan expeosive. <br />Arore group of residents opposing <br />the project organized more than 80 <br />residents to pack the City Counell <br />chambers last week. Residents said <br />they wll1ltedIOOJ'etimetosttldy the <br />issue and cited traffic,speed, safety <br />and eoviromnental ooncems. <br />Linda SWllD8llD, who led in ptber- <br />. resldeots from the neigbborbood, <br />:fd she wants to see the unique feel <br /> <br /> <br />of the neighborhood preserved. "J <br />doIl't think a eommunity should be <br />only one design. We like the small <br />roads. It's the aesthetic value," she <br />...., <br />"We don't want change. We moved <br />here because we liked the rural feel <br />of our neigbborhood," said Yvonne <br />Wilken, who lives 00 Ingerson Road. <br />If the roads changed to meet the <br />standard 32-foot width, it would also <br />mean narrowillJl the widtb of Caritoo <br />Drive, Cannon Avenue, Fernwood <br />Road, Fernwood Court and .IDgersoP <br />"'""- <br />The City Council postponed a deci- <br />moo on the proposal and will revisit <br />tbe issue Jan. 31. Mayor Dennis <br />Probst said the project. Is POt a dme <br />dNJ, and the puh1ie bearing wall aU <br />part of the process to get Input from <br />""...... <br />Ulbeprojectgoestllrougb,thedty <br />wouId.setupataakforceofneigb- <br />bors to work witb tbe engineers, <br />Probst said. BRW, an engineeriD8 <br />firm, is handling the design, The pr0- <br />ject is estimated to C)]St more than <br />$2.2millioo. <br />Probst said the council could <br />decide, instead, to work 00 streets In <br />a different oeigbborhood. Either way, <br />the earliest that road COD5ttudion <br />would begin would be early next <br />year, not this fall as origlnaUy pro- <br />""'" <br /> <br />Residents who live along Ingerson <br />Road were most vocal In opposing <br />...--, <br />"If you widen my street, it will <br />increase the traffic." said AU Biggs. <br />Biggs, wbo bas two children, said her <br />IIOD was nearly bit by a car last sum- <br />","", <br />The 28-foot-wide road. wbich bas a <br />bill running tbroujb It. is already <br />seenbysomeasdaogerous,witbcars <br />speeding and IIslnj it as a cut- <br />through from Snelling to Lexington <br />......... <br />Residents also said cutting out a <br />porUoD of Hamlille Avenue North <br />. woold add to the traffic volume on <br />-- <br />Olbers say cballJIng tbe roads, <br />inelodlDg the placement of curbs and <br />........."""""""', <br />SW8DS01l cited environmental con- <br />cerDS with proposed storm-water <br />retentim ponds near Josepbine Lake. <br />"By putting ponds there, It's going <br />to destroy a lot of mature trees III'lll <br />plant llfe," she said. <br />However. Probst said residents' <br />suggestionsabootconduclingenviroo- <br />mental reports.SIIcb asa water-qual- <br />It, study, don't apply to such a pr0- <br />ject. Be said tbe propOSBI was <br />addressing the enrironmentallssue oI <br />keeJ>InI contaminants from the wet- <br />lands, lakes and streams. <br />He said another option to curhs <br />and gutters1llOl1ld be to build a ditch. <br />However, ArdeD Hills currently does <br />oot bave aD adequate ditch system ill <br />place. Some City Council members <br />have indicated they are in favor of <br />curb& and gutters. <br />Arden Rills' citywide street stan- <br />dard came out of the PavemeDt <br />Management Project about 10 years <br />ago, meant to provide adequate lane <br />space and parking on bolb sides. <br />About 50 percent to 70 percent of <br />the city's roads meet the standard. <br />"We have made ~t1ons ill cer- <br />tain neighborhoods where it makes <br />sense," be said <br />Nancy Ngo,who covers nul'th suburban <br />communlUllS.l:;m beroachlld at """. <br />pIonHrpreu.Gom orl651l 481.0433. <br /> <br />AT A GLANCt: <br />. Whld::The neign- <br />bomood,builtinthe <br />1960s, Is the focvs <br />ofthecity'splllnklr <br />rollllreoonstructiol'l <br />this year; Morethlll'l <br />60 reside~ came <br />to a public hearing <br />last week. most to <br />opposatheproject <br />because of traffic. <br />speed,safetyand <br />envlronmentalcDIr <br />~ms. <br />. Who: About 100 <br />Ilomeswouldbe <br />affected. <br />. Whent: Roads <br />affeetedatthe <br />south end of the city <br />Include Cannon <br />Avenue,Tillerlane, <br />Ingerson Road, <br />Ingerson Court, <br />North Hamllne <br />AvenueandCarllon <br />Drive. <br />. When: The issue <br />will be revlslte<l at <br />the Jan. 31 City <br />Coundlmeeting. <br /> <br />-- <br />