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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 31, 2000 <br /> <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />Ms. Margorie Alexander, 3251 Fernwood Street, asked if the soil borings currently being done in <br />her neighborhood were related to the proposed road reconstruction project. Mayor Probst stated a <br />that this was correct. He indicated that the soil borings were part of the information gathering ,., <br />process in order to make a decision regarding the pavement structure. He added that survey <br />crews will soon be working in the neighborhood to locate the roadway and assess the situation <br />with the trees to determine what the impacts of the project will be. <br /> <br />Ms. Alexander asked if the information gathered through this process will be shared with the <br />Task Force. Mayor Probst stated that it will be. <br /> <br />Mr. Wally Lindquist, 1100 Ingerson Road, expressed concern that two of the Councilmembers <br />are in favor of moving forward with the project, while three others may feel it unnecessary to <br />continue with the project. Since soil borings are being done now, he asked if the Task Force will <br />have anything to consider since the actual condition of the roadway is unknown at this time. He <br />was concerned about spending more money on a project that the City may not move forward <br />with. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that he had questioned whether the neighborhood was opposed to the project <br />for financial reasons, or if the neighbors did not approve of the details of the proposal. He had <br />been led to believe that there was an interest in an improvement project in this neighborhood, but <br />not as proposed. The motion on the table was to continue to evaluate the project in order to find <br />a way to proceed. The only way to evaluate the project and resolve some of the issues is to <br />perform the work being done which will cost more money. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Doug Hartford, 1292 Ingerson Road, supported the direction of the Council. He was <br />concerned about the speed at which this proposal was made. He suggested that the next time the <br />City accepts a road back from Ramsey County, the actual condition of the roadway be agreed <br />upon. Councilmember Aplikowski noted that when Ingerson Road was turned back to the City, <br />Ramsey County had not planned to construct a drainage system. <br /> <br />Mr. Willheim Reinhold, 1233 Ingerson Avenue, was not convinced that it was truly necessary to <br />proceed with the proposed improvement project. He felt that the first priority of the Task Force <br />should be to determine the necessity of the project. With regard to the issues of drainage, he felt <br />that alternatives that will not impact the roadway should be considered. <br /> <br />Ms. Lynn Diaz, 1143 Ingerson Road, requested clarification on what the Task Force will be <br />charged with and what the timetable is. She felt that sufficient time was needed in order to <br />collect enough data to make an informed decision. The Rice Creek Watershed District informed <br />her that in order to determine the water quality, the area must be monitored over a full spring- <br />summer season. She indicated that the equipment used to monitor the water quality would cost <br />the City $10,000 and she suggested that the City consider this investment in order to perform <br />water quality tests in all neighborhoods prior to reconstruction proposals. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that the intent of the Task Force will be a function of where the Task Force <br />chooses to go with these discussions. He hoped that the basic direction of the Task Force will be . <br />to look at the nature of the streets and discuss some of issues that exist in the neighborhood. He <br />noted that comments had been made that there are not drainage issues within the neighborhood. <br />