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<br />! . <br />( <br />, <br /> <br />l" <br />! <br />J <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 9 1999 <br />, <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />i~ <br /> <br />Mr. Greg Brown, the City's consulting engineer with BRW, reviewed the City's construction <br />standards for storm sewer drainage and orifices several times during the discussion. Mr. Brown <br />also addressed grading of the cul-de-sac, and the existing swale. Mr. Brown stated that a l2-inch <br />pipe is usually used in order to reduce clogging. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone moved and Councilmember Aplikowski seconded a <br />motion to approve the developer's agreement for Planning Case #99-03, <br />Josephine East LLC as presented by staff, subject to any last revisions to the <br />agreement by the City Attorney, and subject to the outstanding conditions as set <br />forth in the staff memorandum dated August 5, 1999 regarding the infrastructure <br />construction specifications being met, with the exception that the requirement for <br />a standard 12 inch drainage pipe be waived, to accept a non-standard 10 inch <br />drainage pipe stormwater drainage. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />B, Planning Case #99-10, Bethel College, East Gate <br /> <br />Ms. Randall explained that the Petitioner was requesting approval of a site plan for Bethel <br />College, located at 3900 Bethel Drive, to allow a gate at the east entrance (STH 51). <br /> <br />The City Council, at their July 26,1999 regular meeting, approved construction of the west <br />entrance monument and sign portion of Planning Case 99-10, Site Plan Review, subject to <br />compliance with the lighting standards of the Zoning Ordinance, and tabled tile east entrance <br />e gate portion of Planning Case 99-10, to allow the applicant to modifY the plan. <br /> <br />Ms. Randall reviewed the revised plan submitted by Bethel College, which showed the access <br />further to the north with an angled entrance. She stated this resolved some ofthe concerns; <br />however, it did not deal with potential stacking of cars, nor did it align itself with Hwy. 51 South. <br />Ms. Randall introduced an alternative plan, designed by staff, that showed the entrance at a 90- <br />degree angle to Snelling Avenue, with a 24-foot width. <br /> <br />Staff recommends approval of Planning Case 99-10, Site Plan Review, for the construction of the <br />east entrance gate as presented by staff in their memorandum dated August 9, 1999, Exhibit D, <br />with one (l) condition allowing for construction of a second entrance into the existing parking lot <br />off the service drive. <br /> <br />Mr, Bruce Kunkel, 3452 Glenarden Road, and Facilities Director for Betllel College, stated <br />that the college preferred Plan C to Plan 0, due to the significant impact of the road grade and <br />mature tree stand. Mr. Kunkel stated that, it would be Bethel's desire to have the Council <br />approve Plan C, provided it accomplished those concerns of staff, yet providing for the grove of <br />trees to remain, and without a significant grade change. <br /> <br />Mr. Marly Weber, Stanley Consultants, Bethel Consulting Engineer, stated that with Plan 0, <br />more contours would be lost, thus requiring more costly and invasive earthwork, as well as <br />temporary or permanent re-siting of an existing power pole. <br /> <br />~ <br />