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<br />~ <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />L.~"ll 011. L '{ ( <br /> <br />N, B..ht6n"~" t' ~.. 'Jd:['VrrD <br />ew nr on ,'-\..-- <br />HOlDe. ...:reJl1odel~rs..get..l; <br />Qonewporches,eritryways <br /> <br />jfi :,Council OK's <br />changes to .allQ'" <br />) encroachments <br /> <br />nr(~; <br /> <br />:(iE-'-.- <br /> <br />lIpJIWlli:h~ the city with plans 10 " will:e~~ce the~ting Concrete <br />'addnewenttyways. The bqm.~wn- ,block,~Iel"S. Theirconsttuction, <br />, ers' only, option was to seek a vari-, ,slaIed for later thisyelir, is parlof ': " <br />'ll1Ii:eto the wning code. Legally, the first phaSe of the. city's two- <br />the city clm grant a variance only )'eat, $2.5 million park improve- ' <br />'ii' . fo(~ of bardsbip, snell as ment program. , ' <br />by Jim Schwait%, . " . ' i1Wkwlinlterrainorapecu1iarly-')' <br />..,,J-lomeowners planning porcb or shaped lOt. late last year, the city .' , . .i\uthOl'izOO. the illclusion ~f;' <br />llJl[IyWay additions will get a little council directe<I the planning ~'i ,. . .cilY,cil1!liCil~mbeJ,"S"jn, a city',e1il-;q <br />leeway when their plans ,\\,Ol1id en- ,.mission to seek a possible solutioo.' )'-jlfoyee 'weUh~ PilijliWn, wiIicll'1il". [, <br />croacbonthe 30-fOOP~,'_'_I',".;'l'A:_,., "....'... '.' ';"f'! ,~evetthe Iastseveral'!Ilooths" ,~fudeSfiell;il1~iP at the '. ..' <br />front yard sethaclC '., _. 'il1~~~iilg cdiDlni$SlimiiiliSCi;i#!"''''1'~~~eiVi,ce(1)~, The prci:"-o <br />, The New Brighton City Council 'side(edt1lree ojitfuns . . .to arrow ,"', ",' g1Mn8lS6' irib1\i:deSfuembers6(ihe' " <br />, Feb. 22 approved ~ ~endr.nent ~' so~ type of encro!ll'hnllmt inlOthe volunteer fire t\eJllit"b!1ent. ' " <br />thlvzoningctJdelJliltWillilllow~" ciiY'~30-foot front:Yaf1t setti3ck'i-e. ,.' " ' ',' .".' <br />bouse additionstoenctOacl1llPIO~ quiiem.eIll," SIlid City.l'lanner Cllry .Auihori7.ed~pllyment of <br />feet into the front yanLPrior 10 the Tellgue. .'J:bose options \\,ere ~ Ie-: $321,O()Oto ,tlie,9W1!ers of E-Z Mi- <br />c1fange,it was illegillto build,llt1~ ,', d~ce tllesetba\:k 102Sfeet,relllin' 'niS!Qnl&.~lil~rat~35W south of <br />slructures in the sethack zon~. But ihe~<Ffootsetback, or reduce the C]ouiitY~<#'-l'!2,Jor tLStormwater <br />the change bas severalcoilditions: ,'retj!lite4setback under a special 's~e .PilI1d, ~ent: The <br />0:. The proposedilddition ~ust use~t with certain conditions:" i1m(jtiDl~$60'W9 above the city's <br />use the same exterior s~lUte,ma- 'Iileplanning conunlssion unani- " , ajljlJ;;liSlilfol:the easement, bUt, <br />~sand colors as'lbepriticipal m9uslyagreedlO recommend the $1)();OOObelQwthelltll()unt the , <br />strUcture. , '... .', ..., ' ,1lllter. O"",,~sought.~ payment will <br />. The roof of the additionmllst . ',' ""\VMiwe found istbat we JliI'1l\ , ,~furtded tbtOugh,taXjncrement fI- <br />be 'properlyproponionell ll!'-dinteC Illllllen>\lssplit entries ,in this coin- "nll!'-cing. <br />grated into the roof of the ~isting mlillity;"said Mayor Steve LatS~ <br />stnicture. . ' , ,', thecirycouncil's liaison, [() the ,'. ',. <br />.The base of the additioilm\lst p~gcommissionduring its ~ <br />be,enclosed and remain coiiSistent Iibera:tions. "We never want ~ ' <br />with the base of the building:> ',.. stlnd iIrtbe way of peopleimprov, <br />. The addition cannot exceed 35ingthcirproperty," be added. , , <br />percent of the width ()ftlwf1:llntof '1'belllnendmentis scbeduled to <br />the existing SInlCllJre, eXCh1(1ing the go lnlOelfect Marcb2. <br />garage, od2 feel,wbicbeVet is <br />lesS. ' ',',' <br />, . Any proposalissuhject lOa <br />public bearing before the planning <br />commission. <br /> <br />.Appro~elI.tlie purchase of four <br />,policevebiCleS:threeFord Crown <br />, ' VICtoria $<iwldcm ~d a Ford <br />'F250p1ckpplnlck for community <br />serviceoffiCcrs. <br /> <br />GroWing'illterest , <br />Over the pliSt couple of years, ' <br />ab!>ui a dozen bomeowners baye <br /> <br />,Ap~nts on bold " " <br />AJsp'8t the Feb. 22 meeting, tl!tl" <br />cltycol11lc:il: <br />; APProved site plans fOr the <br />, consu-uc:!ion of shelter buildings at <br />F~HJlDseu;Si1uiiySqWiie' <br />and TotellrP6le parl<S.The2,1~ <br />. ,sq~fOOt, wood'fIa!ne, SIJ1JCl11reS <br /> <br />. A~1O continue a proposid <br />regarding l!deve\oper's plan to,' , <br />build i15Q..Unit apartment building <br />" oil Old fIlghway 8 near Jones <br />; 1.1<-P. The developer/owner, Mir <br />Ali of New BrighlOn, is in the pr0- <br />cess of drafting a new proposal that <br />, callsfor 35 10 40 owner-occupiect <br />IOwnboUSll units for the 4.3-acre <br />plIlWt " . '.', <br />