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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - MARCH 1,2000 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />16 <br /> <br />Commissioner Sand noted that some garages are getting very large. Ms. Randall stated there is A <br />only a restriction on detached garages but once it is attached, there is no restriction on the size. ., <br /> <br />Chair Erickson asked staff to conduct as much research with other cities (similar to Arden Hills) <br />as is reasonable, research the history of the Zoning Ordinance and how many times it has <br />changed, and what those changes have been. <br /> <br />Ms. Randall commented on the older houses that were set at 20 feet for the comer side setback. <br />She stated many have been found to actually be at 19.5 feet due to survey inaccuracies. Ms. <br />Randall recommended that also be taken into consideration when determining the minimum <br />setback distances. <br /> <br />Commissioner Nelson asked staff to also research the six foot number in Section VI, C, 2, a, (1). <br /> <br />Commissioner Sand noted that the Planning Commission hears from applicants who are trying to <br />abide by the City's requirements and stated his support for enforcement of existing <br />nonconforming properties. He commented on the dumpster screening at Arden Plaza that blocks <br />traffic visibility and is a safety hazard. Ms. Randall stated she will check to see if that is covered <br />under the business regulations. <br /> <br />COUNCIL REPORT <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant reported on the Council's action on the Bethel College special use permit <br />amendment and site plan approval for recreational areas which was approved with some changes <br />from the original Planning Commission recommendation. He advised of the modifications made <br />and rationale for each. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Commissioner Sand asked if Bethel College will go ahead with the project with these added <br />conditions. Councilmember Grant stated they need to raise $1.8 million and he expects they will <br />move forward with the project this summer. Ms. Randall stated that was her impression as well. <br /> <br />Chair Erickson asked, if given the course this proposal has taken, the College will allow use of <br />their fields by another organization. Councilmember Grant stated initially there was a joint use <br />option raised but that went by the wayside prior to his being on the Council. He stated he has the <br />sense from Bethel's presentation that there may be some use by the City but no fIrm commitment <br />or formal agreement has been reached. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant stated three other cases were approved by the Council including the State <br />of Minnesota special use permit to allow for the installation of a temporary materials training <br />laboratory building, the Howard Bloom comer side yard variance, and the site plan review for <br />Tony Schmidt Park. He reported the Council met for a work session with the Planning <br />Commission to discuss TCAAP and the intersection of Highways 10 and 96 and how to maintain <br />access points He stated the options put forth are still under review by BRW. <br /> <br />Ms. Randall noted that roadway considerations usually do not come before the Planning <br />Commission. Councilmember Grant advised of the number of houses impacted with each <br />proposal. All three proposals have Highway 96 as an underpass arrangement. <br /> <br />~ <br />