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<br />e <br /> <br />Memo <br />City Council <br />M.V.H.S. water line extension <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />The consultants approached the City about our interest in allowing a water line to be run <br />across the school campus, from north to south, hooking up with the water main line in <br />Gramsie Road. This water line is of sufficient size (12 in.) to meet the upgrade in water <br />supply for the school buildings. <br /> <br />Of course, along with allowing the water line from the school to be connected to the <br />Gramsie Road line, the school would like to know if the City would participate in the cost <br />of this loop. There is an easement between two properties on Gramsie, in favor of the <br />city, for utility and drainage purposes today. However, it is only a ten foot wide <br />easement and would have to be widened to twenty feet in order to accommodate the <br />water line connection and for repairs and maintenance. <br /> <br />At this time staffhas authorized the Engineer and Fire Inspector to do a water flow test <br />and projection to determine if this line(along Gramsie) can, in fact, help this situation out. <br /> <br />Issue: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Representatives from the consulting firm of AST &R Engineering will be in attendance at <br />your worksession on April 17, 2000 to try to get a sense from you whether the City would <br />participate in this project. They will try to influence you from the standpoint that this <br />project will benefit the city and they believe they are being mandated to solve their water <br />supply and suppression problem by doing this loop. <br /> <br />Discussion: <br /> <br />This is a policy matter for the Council to decide. You may conclude that there is a <br />benefit to the city from this water loop. At this time we have not received any complaints <br />about water quality or quantity from either the Gramsie or Valentine Road <br />neighborhoods. The twelve-inch water line in Gramsie is more than sufficient for the <br />neighborhood. This could benefit the city by looping a current dead end line off of <br />Valentine with the line in Gramsie. This is always a preferred situation from a water <br />quality and flow standpoint. The more complicated, costly and time consuming part of <br />this whole process will be the acquisition, payment, determination of ownership and <br />maintenance of an easement across private property to Gramsie Road to do the water <br />hook up. <br /> <br />. <br />