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<br />e <br /> <br />f'age 1 m /.. <br /> <br />M=h 8, 2000 <br /> <br />March S, 2000 <br /> <br />The Honorable. Willi"", Cohen <br /> <br />Secretl\r1i llf DcfellSe <br /> <br />Department of <br />! 000 Defensc penlllgon <br /> <br />Washington, D.<O. 20301-1000 <br /> <br />Mr, Secrt:lll1)': <br /> <br />The Dlcction Center is a national nllllprotit organiZ'dlion workinA with Ille lIOVcmlnelll o(!jciMs who <br />;10 voter rcgistration and dedi.o1\3 adrninlstr~lion at the township, city, eoQtltY ani! state levels, We <br />are nonpnrtisarr stuluonpolitical _' ,,'" work is with the 8,000 election, jurisdictions in the n.s. who <br />conduct Ilofficial" elections- <br /> <br />We have been contaclx:d by ootlle of o"r memberS beMIC'" of a OOD dired,ive from your office whieh <br />informs miJittrry and reserVe IJerSOnne1 tbat the hose or reserve f"cilitie:s are not to be "...d for partisan <br />p',lilica1 ellEllpallll1" or candidates and, more specifically, that they are not 111 bc uscxl for poUuIg "" <br />voting sites, <br /> <br />Nalional uUllIC and u,ilittrry base eommanders have interprelx:d that to roe~n lbat offloial voter <br />registration Dr elections eamwl "OW be held on noD faeilities, I .iucerely doubt thai yllu, as <br />S"",rctar)' of Defense and a. ronn'" u.s. l'lel1ator. Intended 1he meaning ofwhal was senl out under <br />your name, bOIl that is the inte,rpletation thaI ha!; l~.en djrected [0 miJiwy pel'3onnel or dvilian <br />p""'"IU1el in oharge o[nOD facilities, In some ellSes OUl' 10c.1 jurisdictions have been using DOD <br />facilities for >I., long a:J they ha'" hecn open "- OVP.T man.y decades, <br /> <br />A DOD directive iSs"",] "" DTu 1717317. in December ofl999listcd as from SECDm' washinalL1l1 <br />DClOASD.PAIDLrll Ii,ts under ,,"bscction E and more specifically, E (1) thaHaciUtie. an: not to be <br />used for polling or e.\e<::ti"us sites be<:ausc (hey may be interpn:led as violation ",f Olle of s~eraI <br />.wu.tory proY;,;OI1S (npparendy 81wCLning partlcipalion in partisan polil.ics), <br /> <br />While we awlnud the in'e"l to l'rolecl the I.:lIlparDSllG nature (i r ~overnmenl taelli[i.,,, and personnel, <br />the cffect is to nlake it more difficult for milit~ and llonmilitary citizens l(, partioipate in llu: <br />democratic process, It removes fll(lilities wbic11 would encourage your own personnel fro111 <br />participation as ",en as citizens in cumrnunities where Ihe lUilitllry faciliti.. are an inte!';fal part "f <br />their cOlUmunity w:'~ may wdl be the only Jluulic facilities avaUablc for aU cilizeD;'" In an.".a of great <br />concCfD obout Flrc1patlon ,n the demucratio prooe~s, do we rcally WlIIlt to .m~ it more difficult for <br />voterS to "..rc,sc their righlln participate? <br /> <br />Tllis is a well intenuM hut severely mj.~uided answer dnoa"'cd 1IP by someone who i5 overly zealul1" <br />in their appmach to institutioD>ll .CY An on potenti.l partisun oamp.i~ll abuses,l do not, fOft' a minute, <br />bd ieve that you persll"a.Ily SlOW and issu..l tbis dite~tive; be<:lt.USC yOll would have immedinlely <br /> <br />understOod il' implications fUI dcmOCtllCY and the impact on your own per5Olllle1 ilJld the <br />1;U1l1mllflities in wbich the DOll has flldlille", . <br /> <br />Con we get lh;s sp""jfio inslIUCliLlh to the military al1ll reservist eomm,aru.l"'" ~ncled? It .ervc::s no <br />re.J purpose in prote<'.tin ~ the military and ULle" severe daxnlllle IJ, \hQ service of democ,racy. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />hlll':/ /www.votener,orglSecr_Dclilnce3J,000,\ltml <br /> <br />05/0912000 <br /> <br />2'd <br /> <br />53111J NW ~o 3n~31 Wd00:h0. <br />v 00, 50 Al:lW <br />