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<br />1 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />CITY OF ARDEN IDLLS <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />June 8, 2000 <br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />Mayor and City Council V'IA~ II ~ <br />Joe Lynch, City Administrator LJ.J1V- -- <br /> <br />FROM: <br /> <br />SUBJECT: <br /> <br />Employee Drug and Alcohol Policy <br /> <br />Backl!.round <br />Federal regulations maJ1dating ilie implementation ofilie requirements ofilie Federal Omnibus <br />TraJ1sportation Employee Testing Act for all public entities were published in 1994. The <br />regulations contained numerous chaJ1ges iliat superseded state law allowing optional drug aJ1d <br />alcohol testing in the workplace. In 1995, the City adopted regulations aJ1d procedures for a <br />drug-free workplace for employees in safety sensitive positions. This policy was adopted <br />December 26, 1995, by Resolution No. 95-89, aJ1d became effective JaJ1uary 1, 1996. <br /> <br />This Act required all employees whose job duties included the operation of a commercial motor <br />vehicle aJ1d who were required to hold a commercial driver's license (CDL) to be subject to <br />raJ1dom drug aJ1d alcohol testing. With few exceptions, drivers required to have a CDL are <br />subject to ilie controlled substaJ1ce aJ1d alcohol testing rules. A CDL is required for drivers <br />operating a vehicle with a maJ1ufacturer's gross weight rating in excess of26,001 pounds; for <br />drivers who operate a vehicle designed to carry seven (7) or more passengers; or drivers who <br />operate a vehicle iliat is used in ilie transportation of a placardable amount of hazardous material. <br />Employees who operate iliese vehicles typically would be performing what is categorized as <br />safety-sensitive functions. <br /> <br />Employers must provide to all existing aJ1d future employees information on drug aJ1d alcohol <br />misuse, ilie employer's policy, the testing requirements, aJ1d how aJ1d where employees CaJ1 get <br />help. All supervisors of safety-sensitive employees must attend at least one hour of training on <br />the signs aJ1d symptoms of drug abuse aJ1d one hour of training on alcohol misuse symptoms aJ1d <br />indicators used in making determinations for reasonable suspicion testing. Supervisors are now <br />required to receive aJ1 additional two (2) hours of training to be able to identify problems. <br /> <br />Which emnlovees are imnaeted bv these rel!.uIations? <br />At this time, the existing policy would only affect those employees in ilie Public Works <br />MaintenaJ1ce aJ1d Parks MaintenaJ1Ce Departments. Even iliough ilie Parks Maintenance <br />employees do not typically perform safety-sensitive functions, they have CDL's aJ1d are <br />available for emergency service. This requires them to be raJ1domly tested along wiili ilie other <br />maintenaJ1ce workers, <br />