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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 5, 2000 10 <br /> <br />Commissioner Duchenes noted, with regard to Item 2, that in the definition for "Accessory . <br />Building, Structure or Use", the word "principle" is used. She noted that this is the incorrect <br />spelling, and requested that the word be changed to "principal". Ms. Chaput agreed. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Rye asked how parking ramps would be handled under this section of the <br />ordinance. Ms. Chaput stated she is unsure as there is nothing in the ordinance pertaining to <br />parking ramps. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Rye asked whether that might present a problem. Ms. Chaput stated the definition <br />of "parking structure" could be amended. She added that this would probably not come up very <br />often. Acting Chair Rye stated it might be an issue for future review and discussion. <br />Commissioner Baker agreed that a definition which includes parking ramps would be appropriate <br />for inclusion in the ordinance. <br /> <br />Commissioner Galatowitsch stated, with regard to Item 3, that the section pertaining to <br />"Accessibility to Public Streets" states that residential lots shall be accessible to and from nearby <br />public streets. She added that this does not specifY that corner lots do not need access from all <br />nearby or adjacent streets. She requested that this section be amended to read "accessible from a <br />nearby public street". Ms. Chaput agreed. <br /> <br />Commissioner Galatowitsch stated, with regard to Item 4, under "Surfacing", that another word <br />be substituted for "paved" which will encompass all acceptable surfaces. Ms. Chaput asked <br />whether "anything but gravel" might be acceptable. Acting Chair Rye stated that leaves too . <br />many options open. He added, in his opinion, the word "paved" is acceptable. <br /> <br />Commissioner Duchenes asked for clarification with regard to the reference to the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District. She added that the district's requirements do not apply to single family <br />residential lots. She noted the requirements are applicable to commercial developments, but <br />should not impact the typical family homeowner. Ms. Chaput stated the ordinance must ensure <br />that property owners are not negatively affecting other properties. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Rye asked whether gravel driveways could be regulated under the building permit <br />process to come into compliance with the code and be paved. Ms. Chaput stated a building <br />permit could not be denied for that reason although it would be mentioned to the home owner <br />and requested ifthe property owner had to come before the Planning Commission with an <br />application in the future.. <br /> <br />Commissioner Duchenes expressed concem with regard to the number of allowable vehicles <br />parked in a driveway at a time, stating the ordinance might need to allow for more than two <br />vehicles. Commissioner Galatowitsch stated the ordinance reads "on a regular basis", which <br />could be difficult to define. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Rye stated, in his opinion, more than two cars parked in a driveway is not a <br />problem. Commissioner Nelson stated he would favor changing the ordinance to three cars. <br />Commissioner Baker stated that three cars is not onerous. Acting Chair Rye stated it would not <br />be necessary to require a limit for more than three vehicles. Commissioner Galatowitsch stated . <br />she would favor three vehicles. Commissioner Duchenes agreed. <br />