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<br />JUL-31-2000 13:29 FROM:RE5PEC INC. <br /> <br />651-649-0600 <br /> <br />TO: 6126337839 <br /> <br />P.002/002 <br /> <br />r-", <br /> <br />Fl'. ~-- <br />;en. " ,., " <br />1 ,~~t:. <br /> <br />1',..-.... <br /> <br />(f)tJ\ck~, hnmL () GL;l,;-- <br />CC~VV'A>{.:Q h~7\;'7(3i/bO <br /> <br />,-- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />July 20, 2000 <br /> <br />~. ..T fAiN Ii"!.. C / <br />V1AIJ/..,..- <br />efT']?t. . r I" <br />AN/v'fv'L <br />.;:.".. l.,n- 7 Ps '1 <br /> <br />Dear Noble Road Neighbor, <br /> <br />We are Bob 31111 Shannon Johnson nnd live at 1902 Noble Road. We w3l1ted to let you <br />know of some changes being proposed. to the Arden Hills Zoning Ordinance, which will <br />bc presented to the City Council at the regular meeting on Monday, July 31,2000 at 7:30 <br />pm. A memo from Jennifer Chaput, City PI8.l1l1cr to me attached outlining <br />these proposed changes. <br /> <br />As many of you are aware, two summers ago Charlie and Fr3l1 Chenoweth sold their <br />home (at 1898 Noble Road), md the person who purchased it has basically tumed it into <br />a "dorm" for college stl.ld.ents. This is not the only house of its kind in Arden Hills, and <br />there have been numerollS complaints to City Hall related to these [)'pes of houses. The <br />proposed changes 'Will hopefully solve problems related to existing homes of this sort, <br />and preveut1Uture ones from coming into our neighborhoods. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The main changes (which are in line with State Building Codes md many other cities) are <br />to limit the number of vehicles plltked in a driveway on a regular basis to three (3), md <br />to limit me number of unrelated perllODSliving in a single-family unit to DO more than <br />four (4). The main way these codes will be enforced is through co.mplaiDts. The city will <br />no! be going door to door to check-up on everyone. <br /> <br />We want people to be aware of the changes SO that they can show their support by either <br />writing to the council orvoiciDg their suppOIt at the council meeting on the 31". <br />PersonaJly, our main conccm is the parking situation. It not only looks bad (9-12 can; <br />every night in the driveway), but we ofieu have trolilile getting in and out of our driveway <br />because of the cars parked nex! door and ou. tbe street, and visibility is not very good <br />either. <br /> <br />If this has been a concern for YOll, or you are concerned. about future homes like this <br />popping up in the neighborhood, we urge you to show your support of these changes to <br />the City ColU1cil <br /> <br />Thank you for your titne..- .. <br /> <br />Bob and Shannon Johnson <br />1902 Noble Road <br />Ardeu Hills, MN 55112 <br /> <br />. <br />