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<br />Appendix - Arden Hills Water Quality Task Force - June 2000 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />6) Recommendation <br />Maintain all City sediment collection and water quality control features on a regular schedule. <br />Identify areas most impacted by seasonal street runoff products. <br /> <br />Method(s): 19 <br />Prioritize areas subject to winter salt/sand residue and provide additional buffering for <br />times when street sweeping cannot be done in a timely manner such as early Spring thaw <br /> <br />seasons. <br /> <br />Identify sediment collection ponds and structures that are a City responsibility. <br />Monitor grit chambers and sediment ponds for sediment build up and plan a cleaning <br />protocol to ensure effective operation. Develop a test procedure with RCWD engineers or <br />others and provide maintenance on an appropriate schedule. <br />Implementation(s): <br />Develop a regular schedule of maintenance based on research and experience that uses <br />appropriate BMP's per the Water Management Plan. <br />Train personnel in the necessary practices and procedures for water quality enhancement. <br />Integrate BMP's per Water Management Plan into all City repair and retrofit projects. <br />Resources: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />May involve additional scheduled Staff time and engineering. May involve operations <br />committee review. May involve Staff training, <br />7) Recommendation <br />Plan for retrofit and repair of City infrastructure using appropriate BMP's. Introduce a water <br />quality-planning component into all new and repair projects. <br /> <br />Method(s): <br />Integrate water quality planning into all proposed projects designs and require upgrades <br />on new or repair projects. Include RCWD infiltration BMP's as first choice planning options. <br />Use the Water Management Plan, the Pavement Management Plan and the Comprehensive <br />Zoning Plan to identify areas that will most enhance present and future City water quality, <br />IdentifY water bodies in Arden Hills that need to be protected from direct pipe runoff and <br />retrofitted to provide pretreatment of water. <br />Implementation(s): <br />Amend City policies and procedures to reduce the total amount of impervious surface in <br />all City construction projects, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />19 See Endnotes discussion on City maintenance procedures most effective. (NRDC - Surface Water Management Study - <br />1999), <br /> <br />11 <br />