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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CIT-Y~AUGUSI-lA,2DDD <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski asked for clarification with regard to the nmnbcr of entrances to the <br />home at 1898 Noble Road. Mr. Warner stated the home is a split entry with one main entrance, <br />and a locked door leading to the lower unit. Mr. Godeke stated it is a regular split entry home. <br /> <br />Councilmember ApIikowski expressed concern with regard to the definition of "family". She <br />stated she would prefer that the definition specify that five unrelated people are acceptable rather <br />than four. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant stated that the definition is confusing, as it appears that no more than four <br />people are allowed. Ms. Chaput stated that four peoplc refers only to unrelated people. She <br />added the number of related pcoplc is not limited. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked whether Mr. Warner's two-family dwelling would be allowed to <br />have ten people ifhe has two daughters and four renters in each unit. Ms. Chaput stated that four <br />unrelated people would be allowed in cach household as well as an unlimitcd numbcr of pcoplc <br />related by blood. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski stated that ifthe sisters live in separate units, they could each have <br />three unrelated roommates. She added if the house is considered a single family dwelling, the <br />sisters could have four unrelated roommates. <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Larson stated that the problem of converting homes to student housing is a <br />problem throughout the City, adding that Mr. Warner's property is onc such homc and should bc <br />separated from thc issuc as a whole. He added this issue has been before the Council several <br />times as many residents are concerned with how student housing affects neighborhoods and <br />property values. <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Larson stated that, in his opinion, four unrelated people is a reasonable number. <br />He added the Plarming Commission recommended it as reasonable, and expressed his agreement <br />with their recommendation. <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Larson stated he reviewed the zoning ordinance and found only two instances of <br />the use of the definition for "household". He addcd that he would suggest deleting the definition <br />for "household" and inscrting "See Fan1ily", which would accomplish the same end and would <br />he less confusing. <br /> <br />Councilmember ApIikowski stated that the definition of "household" was includcd to explain <br />why it was used in the definition of "family". Councilmember Rem stated thc definition of <br />"household" tends to be more inclusive than the definition of "family". <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Larson stated, with regard to the definition of "family", that two categorics arc <br />possible: all people in the home are related, or the home contains some unrelated individuals. <br />Councilmember Grant expressed agreement with that interpretation, adding it seems restrictive. <br />Ms. Chaput stated that the wording could be changcd to clarify that all the residents need not be <br />rclated. <br /> <br />COlmcilmember Aplikowski asked whether there are currcntly other neighborhoods within the <br />City with similar rental properties. Ms. Chaput confirmed there are other homes rcntcd to <br />students. Councilmcmber Rem stated thc issue arose because of a home in her neighborhood <br />