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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - August 15, 2000 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski referrcd to the proposed "Right of Entry" document, spccifically <br />addressing the wording, ".. .whcn and iJ'..." in Itcm 2, "Consideration," on page threc (3) of the <br />document. <br /> <br />City Attorney Filla addrcssed the document language, stating that is was standard language for <br />fedcral government contracts, and as legislation had already deternlined the suitability of <br />conveyance, Mr. Filla saw no reason for concern. <br /> <br />Councilmemher Rem addressed conccrns regarding the outstanding public comment period for <br />the Finding of Suitability for Transfer (FOST) remaining open until September 5, 2000, and thc <br />Council taking any action prior to the end ofthe comment period. <br /> <br />City Attorney Filla stated that the FOST simply documented a small portion of the agreement; <br />and there was minimal chance of any controversy or even public comment on the document, as <br />the transfer was not a controversial issue. <br /> <br />Councilmember Rem further expressed concerns regarding the limited time frame - six (6) <br />months - of the Right of Entry Agreement, while waiting for the Fee Title paperwork to be <br />proccssed, as it related to start of constmction. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst addressed Councilmember Rem's concerns, stating that Congress had acted and a <br />thc land convcyance was cmincnt, with only the federal bureaucracy and paperwork process with . <br />thc DoA remaining outstanding. Mayor Probst reiterated his confidence that this will happen. <br />Mayor Probst expressed his conccrn that continued delays were escalating costs to taxpayers, <br />with the City having to bid thc project twice, as we were unaware of the required paperwork <br />process. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant concurred with Councilmember Rem's concerns regarding the Right of <br />Entry Agreement's six (6) month term, and continued delays by the DoA for the land <br />conveyance. Councilmember Grant refcrenced several dates addressed in the July 21, 2000 lcttcr <br />from Rochon Corporation to the City of Arden I-lills. <br /> <br />City Administrator Lynch stated that the dates in the letter were based on conversations with the <br />Army Corps of Engineers, and since those conversations the dates had further changed. Mr. <br />Lynch defcrrcd to City Attorney Filla to address several minor legal conccrns, hut stated that <br />stalT had verified that awarding the contract conditionally, with a limited Notice to Proceed, in <br />accordance with limitations ofthe DoA's Right of Entry document, would not commit the City <br />to ordering of the steel for the project, a major financial undertaking, and the City would be <br />committing to the work done to-datc. <br /> <br />Peter V csterhoIt, Architect with Architectural Alliance, stated that the letter from Rochon <br />Corporation had been rcviewcd and drafted at the recommendation of Rochon Corporation's <br />attorney, and concurrcncc with the City's Architect. <br /> <br />e <br />