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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS ClTY COUNCIL - August 28, 2000 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />3 <br /> <br />Craig Wilson, 1677 Lake Valentine Road, stated that the meeting agenda should be available for <br />interested audience members, and requested a copy. Photocopies were furnisbed by Mr. Lynch. <br /> <br />UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />A. Planning Case #OO-17c, United Properties, 1887 and 1987 Gateway Boulevard, PUD <br />Amendment <br /> <br />Ms. Chaput explained that the applicant is requesting to amend the PUD for the above listed <br />properties to request administrative approval on the following items: increasing the percentage of <br />the allowable office build-out square footage for each property; and relocation and replacement <br />or striping of additional parking spaces. <br /> <br />As of July I, 2000, the management company for the above listed properties changed to United <br />Properties from Welsh Companies. The Planning Commission tabled Planning Case #00-17c at <br />the July 5, 2000 Planning Commission meeting duc to the change in management and lack of <br />representation. Since that time, the sixty day time limit was waived by the previous applicant <br />and the current management company was contacted and expressed his desire to continue with <br />the application. <br /> <br />On September 22, 1997, the City Council approved Planning Case #97-06, PUD Master Plan and <br />Final Plan (including variances), preliminary and final plat, and street vacation for the <br />construction of three office/industrial buildings, addressed 1787, 1887 and 1987 Gateway Blvd. <br />Included for background information are as follows: staff review and recommendation of the <br />application to the Planning Commission, dated July 2, ""'",;,)}"r,,1 relevant attachments; <br />the Planning Commission's recommendation to the City Council, datcd July 14, 1997; and final <br />City Council action on the application <br /> <br />Thc Planning Commission heard this requcst at the April 5,2000, Planning Commission meeting <br />as Planning Case #00-17. At that time, the request was tabled pending further information from <br />the applicant. The Planning Commission reviewed this request a second time as Planning Case <br />#00-17b at the June 7 meeting. A recommendation was made on all but two items, pending <br />further information from staff regarding the devclopment agreement. The remaining two items <br />became Planning Case #00-17 c. <br /> <br />Staff was asked to review thc development agreement for these properties according to the <br />applicant's request. The development agreement was located and pertained specifically to <br />finances. The PUD application and recommendation contained the information that was required <br />to evaluate this planning case. <br /> <br />Two requests were carried over from the previous Planning Case for administrative review <br />consideration at 1987 and 1887 Gateway Blvd.: <br /> <br />1. Increasing the percentage of allowable office bliild-out square footage per property <br />The original PUD, approved in Planning Case #97-06, specified parking requirements for the <br />three buildings on Gateway Blvd. that were proposed by Welsh Companies. Since it was <br />