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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - OCTOBER 3, 2001 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />Commissioner Sand inquired about the building height and asked how it would be <br />measured. Mr. Parrish responded it would be measured from halfway from the garage to <br />halfway on the roofline, which would be 45 feet. <br /> <br />e-- <br /> <br />Commissioner Sand asked if the reason they were not requiring the caliper dimensions on <br />the landscaping was because they were providing additional landscaping. Mr. Parrish <br />responded that was correct. <br /> <br />Commissioner Sand inquired about the false balconies and questioned why there were <br />sliding doors leading to a false balcony and asked if this was a building code issue. Mr. <br />Parrish stated if this would be something that were not appropriate, the official would <br />address it at that time. <br /> <br />Chair Baker opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. <br /> <br />Ken Anderson, 3744 Cottage Villa, expressed concern regarding the increased traffic on <br />Cleveland and asked if they had looked at this issue. He stated he is not against the <br />development or the college students, but Cleveland Avenue needed to be expanded and <br />improved. He asked how many people would be in this development. Mr. Parrish <br />replied approximately 138 people. <br /> <br />Loren Kjersten, President Beacon Construction, presented a drawing of the proposed <br />development. He addressed the issue of the traffic concerns. He stated one advantage to <br />this type of development was that there would be less traffic with a housing situation, . <br />than ifit were a retail development. He stated they designed the project to be within the <br />Code with respect to height. He stated his initial tenant was with Bethel College, but <br />once that lease was up, it would be intended for market rate housing, probably senior <br />housing. It would not be for low-income housing. He asked the Commission make an <br />action on this tonight due to time constraints. <br /> <br />Chair Baker asked if they had pre-agreed to conditions with respect to parking permits <br />and shuttle transportation service. Mr. Kj ersten replied that was correct and the shuttle <br />service would alleviate some of the parking concerns. With respect to permit parking, <br />Bethel College would limit the amount of permits and he would support placing no <br />parking signs along Cleveland Avenue. With respect to the lighting, he stated this was a <br />compatible project with the area because it would be lit as a residential area and the <br />lighting would not be the same as in a commercial development. The lighting would be <br />high sodium lighting. <br /> <br />Commissioner Sand stated Cleveland Avenue was a County Road and the City did not <br />have too much control over the parking issue. <br /> <br />Jan Bergman, 3790 Brighton Way, also expressed concerns regarding traffic. She <br />expressed concern regarding the walking path and the increase in traffic on that path. She <br />asked about the power transmission lines along Cleveland A venue and asked what would <br />happen with those lines. She inquired about the wetlands. Chair Baker replied the . <br />easements would prohibit construction within those easements. <br />