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<br />Bingo Hall Personnel Information - LG315 <br /> <br />. License number: BH013 Name of person: <br /> <br />Oath and Consent Statement <br />I have never been convicted of a felony. <br />I have never been convicted of a crime <br />involving gambling. <br />3. I have never been convicted of assault} a <br />criminal violation involving the use of a <br />firearm, or making terroristic threats. <br />4. I am not O1rrently or have never <br />been engaged in or connected with an <br />illegal business. <br />5. I do not owe $500 or more in delinquent <br />taxes to the state of Minnesota. <br />6. I have not had a sales and use tax permit <br />revoked by the commissioner of revenue <br />within the last two years. <br />7. I have filed, after demand, tax returns <br />required by the commissioner of revenue. <br />8. I am not a licensed distriburor or affiliate <br />of a distributor under Minn. Stat sec. <br />349.161. <br />9. I am not a licensed manufacturer or <br />affiliate of a manufacturer under Minn. <br />Stat sec. 349.163. <br />10. I will not be an officer, director, paid <br />employee, or volu nteef of a licensed, <br />exempt, or excluded organization in its <br />conduct of lawful gambling, or represent <br />. licensed, exempt or exduded <br />rganization in the purchase of or <br />influence the pun:hase of lawful gambling <br />equ ipment <br />11. I am not a wholesale distriburor or an <br />affiliate or an employee of a wholesale <br />distributor of alcoholic beverages. <br />12. I will not provide any staff ro conduct or <br />assist in the conduct of bingo or any <br />other form of lawful gambling on the <br />premises. <br />13. I will not acquire gambling equipment or <br />provide inventory control for any <br />organization that conducts lawful <br />gambling on the premises. <br />14. I will not prepare or assist in the <br />preparation of any reports required by <br />Minn. Rules, part 7861.0120, subp. 3, for <br />an organization conducting lawful <br />gambling on the premises. <br />15. I will not provide accounting services to <br />any organization conducting lawful <br />gambling on the premises. <br />16. I will not solidt, suggest, encourage, or <br />make any expenditu res of an <br />organization's gross receipts from lawful <br />9ambling. <br />17. I will not charge any fee to a person <br />without which the person could not play <br />bingo or partidpate in another form of <br />_awful gambling on the premises. <br />I will not provide assistance or participate <br />in the conduct of lawful gambling on the <br />premises. <br /> <br />1. <br />2. <br /> <br />Goldie Katherine Siedow <br /> <br /> <br />19. I will not permit more than 21 bingo <br />occasions to be conducted on the premises <br />in any week. <br />I will not recruit a person to become a <br />gambling manager or assistant gambling <br />manager or identify to an organization a <br />person as a candidate to become a <br />gambling manager or assistant gambling <br />manager. <br />I will not be involved in the proaJrement of, <br />or influendng the procurement of, lawful <br />gambling equipment for an organization <br />which conducts lawful gambling on the <br />licensee's premises. <br />I will not provide or permit an affiliate or <br />person acting on behalf of the bingo hall <br />licensee to provide any compensation, gift, <br />gratuity, premium, contribution, or thing of <br />value to a Gambling Control Board employee <br />or member of the Gambling Control Board. <br />I will not directly or indirectly 9ive 9ifts, <br />trips, prizes, loans of money, premiums, or <br />other gratuities to gambling organizations, <br />or their employees, other than nominal gifts <br />not to exceed a value of $25 per <br />organization in a calendar year. <br /> <br />20. <br /> <br />21. <br /> <br />22. <br /> <br />23. <br /> <br />r/1-Dlt ~ K rd~ p :o~ <br /> <br />(Signature of bingo hall personnel applicant) <br /> <br />County of 1\().YY\~e,/ <br /> <br />before me this <br /> <br />In addition, I understand, agree, and hereby <br />irrevocably consent that suits and actions <br />relating to the subject matter of the bingo hall <br />license application, or acts or omissions <br />arising from such application, may be commenced <br />against me in any court of competent jurisdiction <br />in Minnesota by service o"n the Minnesota <br />Secretary of State of any summons, process, or <br />pleading authorized by the laws of Minnesota. <br />By signature of this document, the <br />undersigned authorizes the Department of Public <br />Safety ro conduct a background investigation <br />pursuant ro Minnesota Rules, part 7862.0010, <br />subpart lOa. <br />By signature of this document, the <br />undersigned attests that information provided in <br />past applications is true and correct. Failure to <br />provide required information, or providing false or <br />misleading infonnation, may result in the denial or <br />revocation of the license. <br />Changes in application information will be <br />submitted within ten days. <br /> <br />FURTHER AFFIANT 5AYETH NOT, except that this <br />Oath and Consent Statement is submitted in <br />support of the application for a bingo hall license <br />from the Gambiing Control Board. <br /> <br />~/51~ <br />Date sig ned <br /> <br />Subscribed and sworn to <br /> <br />The information requested on this form (and any attadlrrents) will be used by the Gambling Control Board <br />(Board) to determine 'yOur qualifications to be involved in lawful gamtAing activities in Minnesota, and to assist <br />the Board in conducting a background investigation of you. You have a right to refuse to supply the information <br />requested; however, If you refuse to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your <br />qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to register you. If you supply the information requested, the <br />Board will be able to register you. You are required to prov1de your social security number on this form. Your <br />social security number wit be used to determine your compliance v.rith the tax laws of Mnnesota. Authorization <br />for requiring your social security number is found at 42 U.S.c. 405 (c)(i). Your name and address will be public <br />information when received by the Board. Ail the other information that you provide wdl be private data about <br />you until the Board approves your registration. When the Board approves your reglstratlon, all of the information <br />that you have provided to the Board in the process of registering will become public except for your sodal <br />seCUrity number, which remains private, If the B:>ard does not approve your registration, all the information you <br />have provided in the process of registering remains private, with the exception of your name and address, which <br />will remain public. Private data about you are avaiiable only to the following: Board members, staff of the Board <br />whose work assignment requires that they have access to the infonnation; the Minnesota Department of PubHc <br />Safety; the Minnesota Attomey General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; <br />the Mnnesota Legislative Auditor; national and intemational gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to <br />court order; other Individuals and agendes that are specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access <br />to the information; individuals and agencies For which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of <br />information after this notice was given; and an'yOl1e with your written consent <br />