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<br />'f'O~ 0\....0 \ <br />~ ~//).. <br /> <br />. ~' C~~e No 6Q-2' c", ~-,.I 13 I' ." s." . . .. <br />. ...... Q-.. - __,......1. r'o~, ~oo'.. ena larlonery Company <br />~1r. E. Engelburt Jr.,.PI'8Sider,-;' of St. Paul Book and Stationery Co., <br />~ ,AI and ~r. Clark Rambo OT R~~enho;st Inc., p,r'esented amended site plans <br />. :lV fer d warehouse ana j.e-ta I i store to be iocated on about 51. acres at <br />'7 i22IWeSi'COuntYRO~dE:~A'denHll!s.i ; .' <br /> <br />U' .{ IO~ Mr. E~gel burt d~scrl bed Toe proposed bui I ding comp lex, wh ich wi" <br />~. ~' com~r;se apPI-,?xlfnaTely 232,000 square feei' and contain the Qeneral <br />'lj' OffIC~S, retail stor~, o:fice fUI-niture displays, and warehouse. The <br />bUilding, as proposeo, will require two variances in that it will <br />over 47 of the buildin site and because of the an Ie of the <br />railroad riahT-of-way. a renr ~~T-h~('kof 18 fp.~1- whi~n \<'~,dri he. +~n +A~ <br />from the roar, <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br />Mr. Engleburt explained that the rai Iroad spur would run into the <br />rear of the bui Iding where the cars would be unloaded. There <br />wo~ld be no exterior storage of materials at any time. <br /> <br />The building is proposed to be set back 71 feet from the front <br />property I ine and provide parking spaces for 95 cars; estimated <br />number os employees is about 100 at peak times and 20 to 25 for <br />the balance of the y~ar. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Planner Carl Dale advised that it is difficult to compute parking " <br />needs for this type of business. but he feels the number of spaces <br />proposed seems adequate. <br /> <br />Mr. Engelburt said they must be out of their building in downtown <br />St. Paul by July I, 1970, and must start moving into the new <br />Arden Hills building about April 1,1970. Therefore, construction, <br />should starT immediately on the bui !ding in Arden Hi lis, which he <br />said would be the complete complex, as sho~n on the plans submitted. <br /> <br />Mr. Tom Horty moved, seconded by Rod Schumacher, that the Planning <br />Commission recommend approval of the site plan as submitted to <br />the Planning Commission on 8/5/69, and that the Building Permit <br />be issued; landscape pian to be submiti'ed .~o the Planning Commis- <br />,slon for approval and determination of bond; drainage plans to be <br />approved by fnglneer; Building plans to be approved by Building <br />Inspector; motion carried unanimously. . <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />. <br />