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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLAIMS REPORT <br />TO BE APPROVED AT 03/26/01 COUNCIL MEETING <br /> <br />PAGE I OF 3 <br /> <br />CLAIMS PAID SINCE LAST COUNCIL MEETING (03112101) <br /> <br />":J)i:i)k' ::~K::.tfAT~/: ,:lmNMlf::,' ',',',...............................'..'.......',..(: };.Mp.ti~'i~:t::::I::. ::,i:WMIiIIlNt~:::',,:'" . <br />...,",.,...-..-................-.--.,...,........,....,..,... <br />:-'"-:.....;...:..;-;-:-:.:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:-.;...,::;::-:::':-:';':'::::;"':(:::::; <br />19124 03/13/01 Affinitv Plus Federal Credit Union 3,586,96 Second March Pavroll <br />19125 03/14/01 LeMA Retirement Trust - 457 1,871.32 Second March Payroll <br />19126 03/14/0] Public Emolovccs Retirement Association 3,241.68 Second March Pa~~oll <br />19]27 03114/0] Stanton Grano - FSA Denartment 109,20 Davcare Reimbursement 03/02/01 <br />19]28 03/14/01 Architectural Alliance 20,533,03 2000 Rcimbursemcnts/Prof Svcs thm 1/26101 <br />19]29 03114/01 Gridor Construction, Inc. 40,231.50 Pay #2 - Li n #8 Reconstruction <br />19130 03/14/01 Rochon Comoration 266,00891 Pay #5 . New Citv Hall Construction <br />19131 03115/01 MN Dcnartmcnt of Revenue ],]83,00 Sales Tax - F ebruarv 2001 <br />19132 03/16/01 Public Emplovees Retirement Association 246.51 E. Nordeen-Ad;ustment~PR#I-PR#S <br />19133 03116/01 I,akes Country Service CooneratLve 3,254,36 Insurance - ~ril <br />19134 03116/01 Lakes COWltrv Service Coonerative 48873 Insurance - Anril- COBRA. <br />19135 03116/01 Postmaster 200.00 Park & Rec Survey - Business ReD]v Postae:e <br />]9136 03/20/01 Health Partners 395.04 Dental Insurance - Anril <br />19137 03120/01 "MN MuLual Life 273. 00 Anril Life Insurance <br />19138 03/2110] ICI\1A Rctirement Trust - 457 424,28 S-;;;;;;]cmcntal PR #6,5 - D. Stafford <br />19139 03/21/01 Public Emnlovees Retirement Association 421.30 SUDolementaI PR #6,S - D. Stafford <br />19140 0312]/0] LealJuc of MN" Cities 20,00 2001 Loss Control Workshon - S. Stowell <br />19]41 03/21/0 I Postmaster 200,00 Business Renlv - Park & Rec Survev <br />19]42 03/2]/01 Dakotah Soort & Fitness 443,00 Vacation Dav Trio 3122/0 I <br />19]43 03/21/01 Plavworks 141.00 Vacation Dav Trio 3/22/0] <br />I I <br /> I Subtotal - Paid Claims 343,272.82 II <br /> <br />Paid Claims From Above - <br /> <br />343,272.82 <br /> <br />Add Unpaid Claims, Page 3 of 3 - <br /> <br />42 172.44 <br /> <br />Total Accounts Payable Claims <br />for Council Approval, 03/26101- <br /> <br />385,445,26 <br /> <br />Note: Checks for unpaid claims totaling $79,936.83 were mailed on March 13,2001 <br />after approval at the March ]2,2001 Council Meeting. They were check numbers <br />19067 -] 9123_ This sequence corresponds to unpaid temporary numbers TOl - T57 <br />Check numbers 19065-19066 were used for alignment. <br /> <br />"nd~"""""Wpo'''l>k']"'''''1 <br />