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<br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> <br />CITY OF ARDEN HI~LS <br /> <br />NOTICE OF PUB~IC HEARING <br />ON AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY CODE <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <br />NOTICElS HEREBY GIVEN,-; that on <br />Monday, July 9, 2001, at 7:30 p.m., the Arden <br />Hills City Council wlll hold a Public HBering at <br />Arden Hills City Hall, COuncil Chambers, 4364 <br />West Round lake Road, Arden HllIs, M\nn&- <br />sota on an Amendment to City COde, Chapter <br />12, Article II. Lake Johanna, specifically <br />Section 12.19 Enforcement, and Sectton 12. <br />2.7; Speed Zones, Establishment and <br />Designation. <br />The AmendmentS are on file and avaMable for <br />inspection at the office of the City Admini. <br />strator at Arden Hills City Hall, 4364 weet <br />Round Lake Road, Arden Hills. Minnesota. <br />AmJ person, in favor ,at, opposed to, or <br />interested in said Amendment will be heard by <br />me City Council at tl'letimeand pIece abOVe <br />stated. <br />Qated etArden Hills, Minnesota, thi9l15tt1 day <br />of June 2001,' <br />Joseph P. L~ <br />clty_Admln1"'" <br /> <br />(8ul_' Juna.20, 2OQ1) <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br />