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<br />WAIVER OF CONSTRUCflON LIEN, PAYMENT <br />BOND AND LIEN FUNDS <br /> <br />JUDe 1,2001 <br /> <br />For good and valuable consideration, the undersigned hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives and <br />releases any and aU (a) rights and claims for a constrUction or other lien 00 land and buildings being <br />constructed, alrered, ereered or repaired and to the appurtenances thereunto, (b) rights and claims on any <br />payment bond(s) furnished in conjunction with said con.<truction, alt<t1ltion, erection or repair, and (c) <br />rights and claims for lien on money. bonds, OT wanants due or to become due to the prime contractor <br />therefor. The property covered by this waiver is owned by the City of Arden H;115;. (owner), is located al <br />1245 W",.tHiehwav 96 Arden Hills. MN is described as Arden Hill, City Hall and this waiver pertains to <br />. portion of the work to be performed by Rochon Corooration (prime contractor). <br /> <br />This waiver covep alllabor~ material and supplies for consttuctio~ alteration, erection, and repairs <br />furnished by the undersigned under a contract with CitY of Arden H;lls through the date of this waiver in <br />the amount of ONE H1JNDR~n NINETY FIVE THOlTSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFfY AND 72/100 <br />Doll.r< 1$195 150.721 <br /> <br />TIlis lien waiver is not valid until the amount listed above has been received. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. <br />JULIE K. ANDERSON I <br />" NOTARY PVBUC - MINNESOTA <br />My Comm. Expll'l:l& Jan.. 31. 2OC5 <br />. <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />Contractor W River F onn <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ann 1m <br /> <br />:;r::lNVITIV 'IV}jjUJ::LLIH::llfY <br /> <br />XVd IO:tI lOIBl/La <br /> <br />~'1'1TH f'tJHffiIV .,... <br />