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<br />5, Does the responsibility vary by type of disaster? <br />Yes No <br /> <br />If yes, identify the I ncident Commander for the types of disasters included in the <br />emergency management plan, Use lines 19-20 to indicate potential disasters not <br />already listed which pose a hazard to your community. <br /> <br /> Type of Incident <br /> 1, Tornado <br /> 2, Flood <br /> 3, Hazardous Materials <br /> 4, Civil Disorders <br /> 5, Radioloaical Incident <br /> 6, Maior Fire (incl. hioh rise) <br /> 7, Maior Power/Enerqy/Fuel Shortaae I <br /> , <br /> 8, Ice Storm/Snow Storm I <br /> 9, Fallen Aircraft <br /> 10, Maior Bomb Threat <br />, <br /> 11, Terrorist Attack <br /> 12, Water Supply Contamination <br /> 13. Hurricane <br />, 14, Tsunami (Tidal Wave) <br /> 15, Earthauake <br /> 16 Volcano <br />17 Drouqht <br /> 18, Bialogical Hazard <br /> 19, <br />,20, <br /> <br />Incident Commander <br /> i <br /> , <br /> <br />Characterisrics of Effective Emergency Management Organization Structures <br /> <br />21 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />