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CCP 01-14-2002
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 26, 2001 <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />Ms, Jan Bergman, 3790 Brighton Way, stated she had spoken to Mr, Dan Sollier the <br />traffic engineer. She noted she had asked him to review accidents on five sites in this <br />area, She added there were 30 accidents in the last four years, She stated there were 25 <br />accidents at E2 on the on and off ramps for 35 W, She noted Mr. Sollier thought that was <br />significant. She added Mr. Sollier stated he would be sending a letter to the state <br />Department of Public Safety recommending lights at the on and offramps, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Bob Carlson, 1482 Visard Court, asked about the encroachment that the developer <br />alluded to, Mayor Probst responded that some years ago a new lift station was built along <br />Cleveland Avenue, He stated some property owners wanted to have a lift station built. <br />He noted some paperwork needed to be done to grant an easement and that paperwork <br />does not exist. <br /> <br />Mr. Carlson stated Bethel College has an II-year lease. He noted it would behoove the <br />council to see that lease to make sure Bethel College does not have an option to buy the <br />building at the end of that lease, He added the Federal Highway Department has to <br />improve that area by either taking more property or relocating that bridge, He stated the <br />apartment house would be very close to the access ramp, He noted it was just a matter of <br />time before they had another problem there, <br /> <br />Mr. Dave Carlson, 3535 Seems Court, stated he sat on the Planning Commission for lOA <br />years. He noted Bethel College was not in the housing industry. Mr, Carlson added the _ <br />developer said he was separating himself from Bethel College, He stated he saw no <br />difference, He noted Bethel College has a huge campus and has room on that campus to <br />build, He added they should look at what is happening with St. Thomas. He stated there <br />is a limit as to how big Bethel College can be, He noted Bethel College needs to face <br />facts that it can only be so big. He added Bethel College cannot be all things to all <br />people, He stated he would like to address the athletic field at the north athletic field, He <br />noted it was an accident waiting to happen. He added it was a mess during construction, <br />He stated there was no place to walk and someone is gong to get hurt, He asked who was <br />going to have to pay for lights and a crosswalk. He stated it would not be Bethel College, <br /> <br />Ms, Karen Johnson, 2803 New Brighton Road, stated Bethel College has been a real asset <br />to the community, She noted they did not want to see houses built in Champlin, She <br />added now that was a beautiful area, She stated it was a nice spot for people that want to <br />live in the country. She noted when the lift station was proposed, all they heard was that <br />it would bring up the value oftheir property, She added they were assessed on their taxes <br />for five years, She stated that at that time they were approached about putting in a service <br />station, She asked if the Council really wanted prospective contamination, She stated <br />they did not want an efficiency station, She noted they like all the open area, but <br />something is going to go in there, She added this is the best thing she has seen proposed, <br /> <br />Mr. Filla stated that technically the city should address these issues separately. He noted . <br />the Council should first deal with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. He added that if <br />
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