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<br />rrearlKson . Byron <br /> <br />1123/00 <br /> <br />1:51: PAGE 3/5 <br /> <br />RightfAX <br /> <br />7. l~u.ra""" Lessee must maintain insurance coverage with a reputable insurer liability <br />Insunlt1ce with a minimum liability limit ofSSOO,OOO per occurrence. Lessee shatl name <br />Lessor as a loss insured with respect 10 sllch coverage, shall instruct its lOsurer 10 mail all <br />notices with respect 10 S\tC!1 insurance coverage to Lessor, including, but not limited to <br />any notice of lenninal ion and of renewal ofsllch coventl!t', and shall provi.:le Lessee with <br />evidence that slIch insurance is in toree UP-)II the execution of the Le!ISll. and at any time <br />upon request by Lessor Lessor shall insure the Premises and iu contents against casualTy <br />Iou. <br /> <br />8. Buildinll SecuritY. On all chlys in which LesJee is schWuled 10 have the day's fiTl81 <br />bing<J event, Lusee shalJ desisnate its gambling manager or other employee to be <br />",sponsible for locking all doors and armins the security system after the last bingo event <br />of the day is completed When requested in advance and scheduled during a time <br />mutually acceptable Ill-Lessor and Lessee, Lessor will provide instruction to Lessee's <br />desigr,ated employ~(s) as to how 10 lock all doors and arm the security system. During <br />all bmgo evems, Lessee must have a security guard present on the Premises. <br /> <br />9. ~nsib~Pal!ieJ! Lessee shall furnish I.essorwilh an up-to-date list of all of <br />Lessee', management personnel and employees wbom Lel>_ has desigltllted to carry oul <br />any of the duties of Lessee pursuant 10 the Lease or lhese Rules, including such <br />management personnel's' and employees' who have'a key 10 the door{s) for the Premises, <br />or who have ~en gtVen the security code for tilt. secunty system for the Premises. or who <br />ha\e. bl/.en given the ~umbination 10 the office SlII\:, and shall include on such list all such <br />management penonnel's' and employees' current homt', addresses, and daytime and <br />evening telephone numben; <br /> <br />\0. Televisions. Radios. CD or Casset Players mTeleoho.!ti. Lessee shall not have, <br />and shall not allow its employees or contracton to have, personal televisions, RlId,os, CD <br />or Cassette players, or similar devices, on the Premises dunng binSO events. <br />Additionally, Lessee shall instruel itS employee. and contractora that they may not use <br />the desiST1ated house telephones fur pe.rsonal calls <br /> <br />II. ~Iation of Heat and Air Conditionin~ No one other than Lessor or its designated <br />agent shall under any circumstances have access to or change the settings 10 the. <br />thermostat hearing and air conditioning controls for the PremiSll5. Anyone found <br />tampering wilb thl/. control> shall be asked to leave the premises and will not be allowed <br />access to the Premises in the future <br /> <br />12 Darnalle to the Premises and to Propel'\Y. Le5_ is solely reaponsible for any and all <br />damage done to the premises andlor tho: property within lhe Premiiies by lheir employees <br />or InVltees during the Lesiee's desiglll\led bingo ev~nlS and during all limes when Lessee <br />is leasing the Premises. Lessor shell not be responsible tor any 10$S of personal property <br />or damages caused by Lessee or ita invitees. <br /> <br />13. Sism and Notice~ Le:isee shall not place any .igm ur nutices on any walls or other <br />surtilces inside or outside of the Premi3es without the prior consent of Lessor, whlch <br /> <br />~lf- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />