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<br /> <br />c,p <br />os <br />,,p <br />'" <br />'0 <br />OM <br />OW <br />"" <br />'"' <br />0", <br />0", <br />" <br />PPLP <br />eve <br />Roe <br />"" <br />SANS <br />sn <br />'" <br />" <br />W <br />weu <br />WWELL <br /> <br />'" <br />'" <br />CATA <br />CO, <br />lee <br />"" <br />s", <br />speG <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Lo&ON AND <br /> <br />U77LITY SURVEY FOR: <br /> <br />BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHIC, <br />MCGOUGH CONSTRUCTION <br /> <br />(BRADFORD HOUSE) <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />,,"uro <br /> <br />1_) LocOli"" ond ~i'e3 of underground uHlili"3 sMown hereon ore <br />approximate only ond ore ~ho",n based on freld locotion of visible Ii.tu'e~ <br />in combination ...ili'> o'l<]ilobl.. dolo provided by 'orious ,ourcu Some <br /><mdergroond uWily location. or.. 'hO"" o~ morl<ed o".i\.. by tho,.. utility <br />componi... who.e localo" re.ponded to our Gopher Stote One Call, ~idel <br />number 297199. U\,/t;e, ,hown ore dependent on the completen.." "noj <br />accurocyo'dQloprovid.d otherundergroondulili\ie.ofwh;ch.....ore <br />u,,,,wore mer exi.t. Verily 011 ulil;!I". ,.ilk,,1 10 con.lruclion or d..,;gn. <br /> <br />,t iron pipe <br />Oenot...curb.loo <br />Oenoluduclil" iroo pioe <br />Oenot"s electrl~ metef <br />Oenot"s ele<otri~ OIJllel <br />Oenolu 90S meter <br />Oenotes guy...;,,' <br />Denotes lirellydront <br />Oenot", stru~ture i,w~t ele~tioo <br />Oenot~'5 overheod ei"",tfic line <br />Oenolu o~h~d leiephone lin~ <br />Oenoles po""r pol" <br />Denotes pow"r and li911l pale <br />Oen"t~5 pJastic pOpe <br />Den"tes re",for.:ed <:on~fele pipe <br />Oenot"s sanitary manllole <br />Oen"less"nit"rys..wer <br />O..,,"~es storm sewer <br />O.."o!es sur~..y control station <br />Oenotest"lephon"bo' <br />Oen"tes ",,,Ier line <br />O..""tes ",ood planter <br />Oenot"swot,,'..ell <br /> <br />PRCPfRTY OFSCRIP110~ <br />(Per Document No.'" 26~j29j &/ 264j29~) <br /> <br />All 01 thot porl of lot I. l-to'Ckn..y Pork. Roms"y County. <br />~innnoIQ. lying 01 th.. loHo..;,.,q ducribed <br />lin..: 8eginn;ngotOP<lintonlh..No,th"<>slerlylln.."f <br />.oid lol I (said Nortil"'ester1y line ho".;ng an ossumed <br />be<lrlnq 01 South 51 degree" 01 minut" west) "l1icll is 0 <br />di"l<ln<:.."t2J2""05tNorlherly <br />corner of .oid l<lt I; thenc.. Saulh J.!I d..qren 59 <br />minutes East to Ih.. lhoreli"" of Lok" Jc:<s"flhin" and <br />tiler" terminating. <br /> <br />2.) Conl<ld GOPHER STilT( ON( CALL ot 65i-454_0002 lor p'eci:'<e "",ile <br />local ion 01 ut,n;", prlar ~o ony e~eo'i('llion. <br /> <br />.3.) This 'ur~..y wos prepared without the benelit 01 <:Uffent litl~ "o'k <br />Easem..nlo, oppurlenon<:es. ond en<:umbrone.. may in oddition;o <br />~hM" sho.." he<eon. Thi. su'~ey i. ,ubject '10 revi.ian up"" receiot "r n <br />~urre"t ~il1~ 'nsurence commilment 0' oUo'''ey', title op;"io!'l <br /> <br />.'11.0 all 01 Lot, 2. 3 on" 4, Hockney Pm.... !~om.ey <br />C",mty. ~in"e~oto. <br /> <br />4.) The ~ubiecl p'op~'ly lies wilhi" 2ene C. (o'eo 01 minimol lIoodinq). r~' <br />Ihe Nolio"ol F1nodl"su,o"ee Proqrom. FlOOd IMu'once Role ~nr <br />Community P"nel No. 270.375 0002 S, <:Iote<1 .July 2, 1981. <br /> <br />5.) Men" 149.5007. So_ >\. "r 3.4]"/_ Acr~s <br /> <br />6,) loni"<) Md .etbock ;"f"''''otl<", os p,o,,;ded by Ihe Plo,~ni~g <br />Oeportme"t ,01 th~ r:i~y o( .'I,den Hill,: <br /> <br />Oenot..., Bo,swood t,ee <br />Denote. Bir<:h tree <br />O""ole!Catolpotree <br />Oenole, Cottonwood tree <br />Oen"le. Locu.t tr~.. <br />Oenoles I.loole tree <br />Denole!sh"'b <br />Denol...CoIo,."loGr..en5prucetr... <br /> <br />ClFN\.!-I....ARK~ <br /> <br />The .ubject p'Ope<ly'5 :"ned f11 (5innl.. Family R.,ide"liol) <br /> <br />I_I Too of lop "vt 01 fire hydronl .....t of l-fomHn~ .~v~nue <br />N..<luthwe"t<l/,ur....y"<l"trol.lOlinnNo, 100.1 <br />EI!!~ojjo" 5 901.91 le...l <br /> <br />The .~lbock. 1m lone R I (Sin{lle SComily'"ltio') ore. <br /> <br />Building, <br />Front. -10 I~..! <br />Sid... 10 leel minimum 25 leet"m <br />Reor: 301ee\ <br /> <br />2,) Too 01 mo'l "oil in wOOd ,oil po.l. ~OP 01 ..ood ~l!!p. <br />~o.t 01 8radlord h"u.~. <br />Elevalion 5914,19 !!!et <br /> <br />7) Survey coordinol~ ond ~~orin'l bos,": Rom..y Cou"ty <br /> <br />3,) Seorln"s ,hown in porenlhe,i. ore per d~",riDtio" <br /> <br />.IV <br /> <br />We h....eby ce'tif~ thai Ihi. i, 0 Iru.. ,,,,d correct <br />'ep'""""loJlon or 0 'vr~ey 01 lh~ bo"nd<lri~. 0' <br />Ihe lond obo.... describ..d ,,"dOf the locatio" 01 <br />oil building).. I' ony. r'om or on ,old lo"d. <br /> <br />"c)' <br />~--'JOST ~'l ~ COQN[~ cr l~' <br /> <br />.\ <br /> <br />Dot~d Ihi. 16th doy 01 !lU'lust. ~OOI <br />SUNDE lA 0 S\Jl?V(YI"IG, LlC <br />9, __A::.~ <br />Jehn K, R"rn..~. R_L.S.-i:l;;':;-Ii-;q-N;;-.;i;~45~ <br /> <br />-~I"',- <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />JO 0 30 60 <br />~~.~:-K-:!~;~:r-;Tr;~~ <br />SC~I.E IN FEfI <br /> <br />R..EPv>a CN'..J>Ct'; <br />(If..! 1:Y.:t"=[ Ftrrm <br /> <br />/'CO ~~--tO <br />S::.R.EEI-~ R-'>~lf.-ti <br /> <br />lIr."r.ll~'u!<, I'. <br />T.~" nU"1~' 9' 'HT <br /> <br />c, <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />< <br />Q <br />!.j <br />('j .... <br />0::: <br /> <br />" <br />" <br />, <br /> <br />',' <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />c <br /> <br />g <br />, <br />Z <br /> <br />",.01 <br /> <br />F1<cf-r:J.c::-EL") ~.l t::\.'--J <br />I:':RI' t:::f"""Cl D I \:::1)~.E <br /> <br />r'i:, <br /> <br />c,/i/.:/. <br /> <br />(,>,";"', ',' <br />,.~:;. ?-.:' <br />/1 <br />.' 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",0'..'"'' ~~,_ -,. _,'J~ <br />3~"r,.,,' '1~2--dlll- ,'~~ . .... ;o>~~~- ''-'0 <br /> <br />. , <br />'--. <br /> <br />ONNER' <br /> <br />urn...'=.. r::?RfJil-I-s:J2:.,S FTJEl--j[,:s CFI1E ~U~H::l'( <br />IBiS E. LAKE ~ I <br />"-\INNt'AFOLF-, Mf..J 55407 <br /> <br />.." <br />t'~:.,., <br />~h .:jI <br />'-1. <br /> <br />'f~ii~t"s<',:, <br /> <br />~ TITLE E:Rf.DFORD HDU'2:>E I hereby certify that lhis plan, speciftClllion. or RUST MORRISON WALI.JARVI <br /> repon was prepared by me, or under my ARCHITECTS, ~. A. <br /> SCALE ~200 N. HAIv\L1NE AV direclsupervislonandlhatlamaduly <br /> DATE AIZDEN HILLS , Licensed Archilect under the laws of the 2179 4TH STREET MINNESOTA <br /> DRAWN BY tv\N Slaleot WHITE BEAR LAI<E 55110 <br /> WilliamE.Rust <br /> CHECKED BY Dale License No. (651) -42&.1913 FAX (651) 429-7561 <br /> <br />~ <br />~~ <br /> <br />