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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />DECEMBER 10,2001 <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />He noted there was an old gas station on the site and pollution in the ground. He added he would <br />like a good impact study on this to show that the neighborhood would not be impacted. He stated <br />his concern about lights. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Maguire stated some of the neighbors did not receive a notice. He noted they were concerned <br />there was not enough time to prepare. He added they had solutions they felt would be acceptable. <br /> <br />He stated they would like to reduce it to a one-story building. He noted they would like an 8-foot <br />or higher privacy fence. He added the six-foot fence on the property line would in reality be only <br />4 foot high. He stated the sidewalk would onlybelO feet from the fence that looked into the <br />property. He noted that if the fence is placed on the retaining wall, they would have an 8 foot <br />fence. He added he would accept a fence 8 or lO foot hedge on the retaining wall. He stated it <br />would like pine or cedar so one could not see through it in the wintertime. <br /> <br />He noted he would like the City to require the snow to be removed off site. He added if the snow <br />is pushed into the ditch, it would be a huge issue. He stated there has already been flooding ofthe <br />property in the past. He noted he would like to be assured by stipulation that this would not <br />interfere with their drainage. He added he did not want to be responsible to pay for any drainage <br />problem crated by this development. He stated he would like to see a pollution impact study and <br />a light study. He noted he would not like to see any manipulation ofthe site plan. He added he <br />did not want any open issues or confusion in the end. . <br /> <br />He stated the neighbors did not have enough notice about this project. He noted that over a year <br />ago, the developer talked to some of the neighbors. He added no one has talked to them in the <br />last year. He stated the neighbors are very serious about this and hopefully the city would not <br />take this lightly. He noted they would do whatever they have to do to stop this proj ect. He <br />thanked the Council for listening. He stated he hoped the developer could come up with <br />something attractive for the City, but more acceptable to the neighborhood. He noted the City <br />should not just throwaway the setback requirements. <br /> <br />Mr. Don Ristow, 2033 County Road D, stated he was at the Council meeting a year and a half <br />ago. He noted there were problems so the Council delayed the project. He added Mr. Nelson did <br />call him to tell him about the December 5, 2001 meeting. He stated he could not get a substitute <br />teacher with one-day notice for a class he taught. He noted he has not heard anything for the last <br />year and a half. He added he assumed that the City had dropped the case. <br /> <br />Mr. Ristow noted that before he bought his house he asked the property owner about building a <br />Tom Thumb on this site. He added the owner stated they would not build one because of the <br />contamination underground. He stated his wife talked to somebody from the City before they <br />bought the house. He noted she was told there was a 1 aO-foot buffer between the house and what <br />could be built on the site. He stated they knew the woods would not be on their property, but <br />were told the woods could not be taken down. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />He noted his house was recently appraised at $160,000. He added he built fire pits, decks and put <br />a lot of money into the home. He stated with a two story building there it would reduce home <br />values and eliminate his privacy. He questioned whether he would have any sun in his backyard. <br />