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<br />I <br /> <br />Xcel Energy Utility Location and Construction <br />Page 2 <br />January 7,2002 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />When informed we have an ordinance that requires the utilities to be underground, they indicated <br />that they would comply with that ordinance, but also told us that per a PUC (Public Utilities <br />Commission) ruling, the requesting party had to pay for the underground work. They are <br />indicating at this point that the cost could nm between $300,000-$400,000 for undergrounding. <br />Staff did meet with Xeel representatives on Monday, February 4, 2002, to determine if they had <br />any plans and could show us information about the construction that is currently taking place, <br />and any other plans that they might have for redevelopment of the utility lines. They indicated <br />that south of Highway 96 along Lexington Avenue to the sub station on County Road F, they <br />would be undergrounding the utility, due to the fact that there was no room in the current right- <br />of-way for overhead lines. They also indicated that they would be going west along County Road <br />I from Lexington Avenue to at least Hamline A venue, where there is an underground extension <br />through the TCAAP property. <br /> <br />The purpose for the new utility line is to create redundancy and to supply additional power for <br />the development that has occurred north of County Road I, specifically the Wis Park <br />development area. Their claim is that the underground utility line through the TCAAP property <br />has lUlYeliable service, and the single utility line on the east side of Lexington does not supply <br />enough power for the current users and the anticipated increase in the number of users north of . <br />County Road I in Shoreview. <br /> <br />They did indicate that they had originally considered running the additional utility line on the <br />east side of Lexington Avenue, but ruled that out due to the fact that a single man made or <br />weather event could wipe out both utility services and a major portion of the area would be <br />without service as a result of an accident or weather event. They also indicated that if the City <br />forced them to go underground on the west side of Lexington Avenue north of Highway 96, not <br />only would the City rate payers have to pay the cost of undergrounding but the cost for removal <br />of overhead utility lines would be included. <br /> <br />Xcel representatives are going to supply us with information about what an Arden Hills rate <br />payer could be expected to pay as a result of the costs if the City were to require them to go <br />underground. <br /> <br />City staff did indicate to Xcel representatives that they had created a situation for the City, being <br />placed between the fact that we have an ordinance requiring them to go underground, and <br />potentially increasing the cost for rate users for the City of Arden Hills, after they had already <br />started construction overhead without any plans, or obtaining the necessary permits and going <br />through the planning process with the City of Arden Hills. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />At this time staffrecommends that the City consider the following options. <br /> <br />. <br />