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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />L.IFE HISTORY INFORMA TION (._ ""'" c_.".........., ,_ .11'..._.. .".. ~_ ~_ t. __, <br /> <br />DESCRIPTION: . <br />The Bllnding's runl. is a medium tlllarg. !UnI. WllIl a blecx or datil blu" dom.sI'Iaped ",.11 WllIl <br />muted yellow spots and ca~. Th. cottom of Ill. sn.1I . hi"'Jed acrose Ill. front lIlird enabli"'J th. !UnI. to <br />pull tile front edge Of the lower ,shell ftrmly against th. top ",.11 to IJ(01lid. additlona' protKllon wIl.n <br />threatened, rhe head and ap~ndag.. are dark brown or clu~ray WllIl smlll dots of light brown or <br />yellow. A distinctiv. fl.,d mer.k is tll. bri911t y,'low cllin and neck. Th. av.rag. adult Blanding's runl. <br />ranges from 6 to 9 Inches tn stmlght lin. upper ",.III.ngtI'I. <br /> <br />HABITAT: <br />Shallow, 510'.'.' m"iling '..;atllr witt; fflU'J t;..)ttorTll\ anu abundant aquatic: veg.talkln are preferred C'( <br />Blanding's !UnI... E:rtenSN' marsh.. COrdemg nwr. proo.<ide 'IICellent habitat In MinnlSOla. Blanding s <br />tunl.. are pnmari/y mlrsh and POnd inlllbitlntl'nd Ire fttqUently rauna. in asacClalion WllIl snapptng and <br />painted !UnI... Brlndi"'J's turtl.. protect ttlemMl'_ from freellng lMnp.,atur.. by ove,.,..,ntenng In the <br />muddy cottoms of marsh.. and po~ <br /> <br />LIFE HISTORY: <br />IndMcluals em.rg. from ov.rwlnteri"'J .nd begin ...."lng innl1y Apr1I on warm, sunny days. <br />Nesting occurs dUri"'J th. IIrst two weelal of June in M1nntICIW. Fema/ee are m~ ac:llV. In lat. aftemoon <br />and at dusll, Aftll!' crawling up to 1 mil. and Irting egge, temaJeelNy hide n_ a busn and retum to ttI. <br />marsh th. next diY, especially in th. ..11y morning. Th. n.. iI dug byo lfle tern.,. in an open sandy are. <br />where 8-15 eggs are laid. After a d.....opment period of app......dtn...,., two montM, hatChlings I.av. tIl. <br />nest from mid-August to 'Ir/y-Octoblll' with an average shell Iengtt\ of 1 1/4 indlee, Often, tIley must mlk. <br />a long ov.rland trell to ftnd watll!' . <br />Blanding's turtles are mild m.nnered and do not attempt to bite, If molftted or threatened tIley <br />simply pull into lIlejr snell and wait for dangll!' to pua. Nests and young of BI'ndlng's tunles rail victim to <br />racoonl, skunks, and predatory llirda. Adults are partleul.rty 'IIllnerable to being struck by automoboles <br />whli. crossing roads. <br /> <br />RECOMMENOATIONS: <br />W. off.r th. following guid.lln.. conc.ming constructlon and land use to h"p minimize impacts on tunlll, <br />. Worke~ should be informec:l of tIl. preeenee of Blinding', Turtl.. in th. arel. <br />. Roads should be kept to minimal stlIndlrdl on widltlI and 18neL <br />. Roads snould be ~. noceutbec:l or If am. m_be UMd 4' high curbs at a 3:1 <br />slope art pr.ferred. B'-ndIng', Turtl..ll_ gmt dIl'IIculty cllrnlling lradilIQn.1 curbs, Curtis and <br />bell'Weta'l~; ro~ b'iil tu."'le<Illil tIIlI rWld ~~ fOfd kiI& <br />. WIlen wolldng n_ '...&k.1dl1iIt fencing shouJc:I be lit Ut) tD keep turtl4ie out of construction areas. <br />it is glIIaI tMt silt be removed .n.r thllIMll.llMn rewgetated. <br />. Oitcll. should noc be fIlO.vec:l bet\...n JUM 1st and Octiobef 111l <br />Cu'" Clll."dIng ...cIand ar.. should be _-lind and elIptIceI or box III fadlbt. turtle <br />mOll....llae 1111 WWllandI. <br />UtilIy r = and mlinfllnance roadIlIIouId be kept III . "**num. <br />. Veg' - LIMI".UmentundwpOw.lIn'''''Ouldbedone~MdbetwMnOctobet1st <br />and~111l ~lIIouldnocbeUlld. <br />. BIlGw;round ~conIIrucIon... should be rtCllmId ID ...1wIo.. gnIde. Erosion snould be <br />'prw.ntId from re.ching wehndI and IIlla , <br />. Graded ..... should be revegetaWd wittl n.tIw wgetdon. Use of ,., &lrIand pestIcid.. should <br />be avoidec:l. <br />· All wellllldl should be pro~ from ro8d run-ofr. flWll and otIIer chemic81 run-off by a naturally <br />vegltat8d buffw strip. <br />. Shlllow. YeQItIWd welllndll (Type 2 & 3) should not be dredged or d...-nec:l. <br />. Landscaping should be I.ft .. n.tural... pc Ilitlle. <br />. T.rrain should be left wittl .. much natural COntllut.. ~ c 'LJ.t. <br />. Road placement sIIould avoid IlPlrellng wellllldl from -.,1 cent uplMdl and should avotd <br />billclIng wetlllldL <br />