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<br />INSTRUCTION SHEET <br />FOR AJA DOCUMENT G"02 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />A. GENERAL INFORMATION <br /> <br />1" Purpose and Related Documents <br />.\11\ Docuinent G702, Application and Cerrit1(',ltC for Payment, is In he used in coniuncrion with Ai'\. DoclIrnem G(0), Continuation Sheet. These <br />ch:JCUmClltS,are designed to be llsed em a Project where a CrJ!1tGlctor b,IS a direct Agreement with the Owner. Pn)(:edures [or their use are covered <br />in i\1/\ Document A201, Genera] Conditions of the C(}ntracr for Contitll.lCtion. 1987 Edition. <br /> <br />2. Use of Current Documents <br /> <br />Prior to using any A10\. doclIIllcm, the user should consult the AlA, ,111 AIi'. component chapter or a current AlA Documents List to determine tbe <br />current edition of each documcnt <br /> <br />3. Limited License for Reproduction <br /> <br />AlA I)oClJJTlent G'02 is a cop~1ightcd work aod may not be reproduced or exccrpted from in substantial part without the express written permis- <br />siun of tbe AL\. The docume11l is intended to be used as a comumahle-rhat is, the original document purchased by the mer is intended ro be <br />consumed in the course of being used. There is no implied permission to reproduce this document, nor does membership in The ."\merican <br />Inst.itute of Arcbitects confer any further rights to reproduce ((702, A limited license is hereby grant.ed to retail purcha.;ers to reproduce:1 maxi- <br />mum of tcn copies of a completed or executed G702, but only for use in connection with a panicuJar project. Further reproductions are probibited <br />\vithout tbe express written permission of the AIr".. <br /> <br />B. COMPLETING THE G702 FORM: <br /> <br />Al'tcr the CommOOt. has completed Ai'\. Document G703, Continuation Sheet, summary information shoulJ be transferred to AL\ Document G702, <br />Application and Certificate for Payment. <br /> <br />The Contranor should sign G702, have it notarized, and submit it, together ",:jth G703, r.o t.heArchit.ect, <br /> <br />The Architect should review G702 and G703 and, if they are acceptable, complete {he Architect's Cerrificate for Payment on G702, The .A.rchitcct <br />may ccrrifr a different amount than that applied for, pursuant to Panlgraphs 9,5 and 9.6 of A20I. 111e Architect should then initial all figure:; on <br />G702 and G703 that have been changed to conform to the amount ccrtified and ;(In;(Jch an explan~ltion, The completed G702 and G703 shOllld be <br />forv"ard~d to the O,-vner. <br /> <br />The joiiowing is an e.'l::ample of an Application for Pay,nent for ll'ork in progress, Please note thaI doffar amounts shown below are for ilfustl'(/- <br />tim pwposes onl:v, and are not intended to reflect actual construction costs. <br /> <br />CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT <br />AllpliCJtion io m:lde t{)r rJlymem, ~,~ shc.v.-n below_ in connection Wilh rhe COOU~([ <br />Com;nu;Hion Sheet, AiA Documenr G7(l,~, is altadKo <br /> <br />ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM <br />Nel change by Change Orders <br />CONTRACT SUM TO DATE (Line I '" 2) <br />TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO DATE <br />IC<)lumn (i <lI1 G70:l) <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />~~,ooo. 00 <br />?,~,"~ <br />IO?,a:::t?.... <br />40,000. "" <br /> <br />The und~'rsigned Comr~ctor certifies [MallO lhe best of th<.: COlllr:Klor'~ knowledge, ;nl(lr e <br />rn~lion and belief the Work covered by this Application for Paymenr has been cumpleted <br />in aecord~rl(e wilh the Contr3ct Docuffit'ms, lha~ all amounts h<lw:' been p' b)' the <br />Comr~C1or for Work fm which previous Certificateo for Payment were iS5Ut'J "nd P:lY <br />menrs receJ\ed from rht' O...ner an<1 thar eurrent payment ohawn herem lS no", due <br /> <br />{ONTRACTOR ~fnu~ <br />5, Jl<?1!>~ Mr-i.f;,-~U;)15t-Ir ",," ^~ I, i"t'if.. <br /> <br />Stale or VI~INtA <br />Cmmr? of: r"If~..rN <br />Sllbscribed and SW(l<n to before <br />on"h"fl~:l- <br /> <br />7'lot~ry Public <br />My Commission expires' J?e?. ~t, 1.di1~ <br />ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT <br /> <br />".$ <br /> <br />'i , RETAINAGE: <br />_''1, of Completed Wl~rk <br />(Columr15 D -; Eon G7(J3) <br />___ ':'/~ of Sturnl Materbl <br />(Column f on (;70_'\) <br />-j,)1all.:cr~inJg<o jLine 53 '5b or <br />TrJtal ;,1 Column I otG70,'I] <br /> <br />t ~,~.tJP <br />'::00. ..." <br /> <br />() TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE , <br />(l_ille'ilcosUm>Sl;)ral) <br />, ~~I~(;~~~I~~(~r 7~~~:f~~~T,E~ .F~R PAY~ENT $_15,t10~ ,~ <br /> <br />. ~t;OO.- <br />. ~{;.?tJO.'" <br /> <br />18.:.,Q?"'" <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />In JCCQrdatl,'c withlh~--ConrrJCI ])cx\lmem~, based on Dn,sire observ::ltion" ~nd the data <br />comprising [his 3pplicati(>,\, tIle Architen cenific" 10 rhe Owner thai to the be,t of the <br />Architects knowlnlgt:, mfmmation and belie! the Work ha" progn:s,ed as indicalt'l1, the <br />quality of tIll" Work is in a('('ordance With [he C()mr~cr Documen[o, ~nJ the Contractor <br />is nllitkd to pa~'rw'::llt of (he AMOUNT CfRTTFlED <br /> <br />fJ CURRENT PAYMENT DUE <br /> <br />~~~.~~'~s~n~'~)ISH, INCLUDING RETA~NAG~.?_a?,N <br /> <br />Clil\NGE ORDER St'MMAR';" <br />Tutal dl,mgc'" "ppf<)v~'d in <br />_ prt;\'iuu,' llIomh, by Owner <br />!iilaI3pp[()\'Cdt!li,,:,'11J11tll <br />- rrJ'IAI.S <br />~::~5~HANGI-:~ by Cf;~ng<: (~I':.r! <br /> <br />AMOUNT CERTIFIED <br />(,~lIu('h (!Xphmalhm if amuunt cl"'li{ied dlj{,'r.< .flU'" We (jtnOllnl appli(-d jm: Imliat <br />alt figu~l'1i 'm IN.> ,.I/Jpiia,/iml and Oil Ih<, ComimUllion Sht!l'1 lI'a! (I"e ('}Hmgrd ro <br />(,m{orm to tbe amollnt n'~tlfied.) <br />"'''CHITECT <br />Hy Dale; <br />I'his Cenitiure b nor n,'gOl;Jhlc rh... ^~MOUNT CERTiFIED is p"y:tb!e only to ,ht, Con <br />lr;lcto[" named herdn, Issuance, p;l\,ment ~nd -accqltance of p;rymem lre wi!hil\ll <br />prcilldice (() :my rigilb OJ tlK O.,,-ner or Contr~c!Or WIller this C()m!"~<'l <br /> <br />A.j)"Im"s~. i OED.' CT10"~~ <br /> <br />1<2c~-~"""".",,::::::=- <br />lO,~ ,&1# rs &JtXJ.4P <br />..~. ':!,~.""~. , <br /> <br />C. MAKING PAYMENT <br /> <br />The Owner should make payment directly to the Cuntractor based on the amollnt certified by the ArchLtecr on AlA Document G702, Applicat.ion <br />;tod Certificate for Payment. Thc completed form contains the mime and address of the Contractor. Payment should not be made to any othcr <br />party unless specifically inclic.lteu on (;702. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />D. <br /> <br />EXECUTION OF THE DOCUMENT <br /> <br />E,l(h pcrson executing the Agrecn"tcnt should indicate the c~1p;lcity in 'Ivhich they ;lrc acting (Le" presideot, secretary, partner; etc.) and the author- <br />ity under v,-hich they :Ire executing the Agreemenl. W'bcre appropriate, ,1 copy of the resolution aUlhorizing the indi\idual tu act on behalf of the <br />firm or entity should he att<!Ched. <br /> <br />8/92 <br /> <br />fmtmc/irm sheet revised 6/9':1 U'it/)ollt proceclumi change <br />