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<br />INSTRUCTION SHEET <br />FOR AlA DOCUMENT G70j <br /> <br />A. GENERAL INFORMATION <br /> <br />1. Purpose and Related Documents <br /> <br />.'\lA ])ucurnern G702, ApDlicatioll :md Cenificlt(' fl)f, is In he lbed in CUlljUildioIl \vitli AL\ DOUIIl1Cnl C;"7(13, C(jr;tinu~ninn :)hl,'C: rhc.~c <br />doculllcnb ~m.: designed for use un Prujt'll~ w!K:rC the ContLlunr 11;1"-;] direct Agn:clI1cnr wit;} the OWnel", Pt"ucedun:;s for their use ar,,' C(l\'('I'<-~d in <br />AlA Ducurncnr /\20 I, (,cnel<tl ConciititY1S of rhe COf1tl-an fur Consll"uuion. 19W' Edition <br /> <br />2. Use of Current Documents <br /> <br />The user should con.'iult the A1:\. ail ALA cornponell1' chapter Of a current '\1.\ Document,.; List to r!ctcnnill(' till' currc:nt edition urearh dllCLlll1l:nt <br /> <br />3. Limited License for Reproduction <br /> <br />ALl,. DOClHllt:nt G7U3 is a copyrighted w()rk :md may nor he ["('produced (It excerpted from in suhsrantial P,iJ"l wi Thout rlw (~xprt~SS wriue~l p(,~rl1Lj~- <br />sinn d-Thc AlA, The <!t)CumcnT i.~ il1l'endcd to be used as:1 (o!lsumabk,-,-that is, tbe uriginaJ ducLllllenr pUlYhaf'cd by the user is intcnded to he <br />cU!1surrled in the course of being used, Then_~ is 11U implied pemlis.sion to rq'lroduce this document. nor d().-.~,s memhership in The American <br />Institutc of !\rchitc([s confer am' funher rights tlJ rqxodllcc (l'7G_i, A limiled UCCI1SC is hcrL'b:- gr,\Iltcd tn retail pUrdl,\Ser,s to reproduce a nuxi- <br />mum of ten copies of a Cllillpktcd or cxecuted (;703. hllt only flir d.S(' in lO!lneUiOll wirh a panil:uL1r Project. Further rt.'produniol1s arc prohihitecl <br />with()Ut the cxpress writren permissi(lfl ()frlw AlA. <br /> <br />B. COMPLETING THE G703 FORM: <br /> <br />Heading: This inforrn31ion should hc completed ill a lmlllner consi.stf:nr wirh simiLlr information 0)1 Ali\ [)1)l"Ul1ll'nt GeO.;, i\pplicltioll and <br />Certificate for Pay-mem. <br /> <br />Columns A, B & C: These ~-olurllns :-;hould he Vl!llIJ!cted lw identifying the vmious portiClns ofth<.:' Project Ctl1d their sch<.:'uuled values consistent <br />with Ihe schedule (If \';llues submitted to the Archi[('C[ ,n {he (omll1cnccmcnt of tht. ProjCl't or :lS sUh;-,c<jllCnrlv .rcljusrcd. The breakdown n13.y he <br />b): secr.iOl1S of the W"ork (\1' hv Su!)(onrt".ldOr" ,lfld should remain consistent Throughour [he Project. :'>lultipk P<lgr.;c,>; should be llsed when required. <br /> <br />Colul11n C should be sub!owled ;11 dle boltorn \vlwn 111\)r(' th<lI1 one p:lgC is used and toukd on Ihe hst pAge. Inirialll', this t()ul should equal rhe <br />origin;1l Contran Sum. The tor.11 of column C may be ,ldiusted by Change Onkrs during the PI-oieCl <br /> <br />Column 0: Enter in thi.s ((lilli,Hllhc ~nnounl uf completed \X'nrk ('oven'd Ill' the pre\'ious applicilioll (o>lumns D & E fl"orl1 the pr<::\"iou:; ,lpplica- <br />rion). V~JJuc:-; from column f (,\htt~ri,ds Presenrtv Stored) from the jxc\'"ious appli.-.-:Hion shuuld nUl he entewd in [his CUltlllHl. <br /> <br />Column E: Enter here rhe v;lIUl: of \V(}~'k {'\)I)1pll'lcd at the timc of this appiicalitln. including rhe \'aluc of IWltcrials incUfpotated in the project <br /> were listed on the prt'viuus:l[Jplicujon under .\1atcrials Presenrh' Stured (column F). <br /> <br />Column F: Enter here the value of ;\tJtcrLlis PresellrJy' Srored [(.ll' which pa:-'menr is sought The (rlwl of ,Ill: column mu.'il be recakublcd ,It rhc <br />~'nd of ("jch pay period, This value covers hoth lmneri,ds llewiy st()n~d for whkh p;lyrnent i:; sought :md male rial:-> pr~viollsly st~ln.;'ll which aft: llot <br />yd iI1corpor3ted into thl.: ProjCl't_ Mere p<t)'rncnt by the Owner ft)l' srol'ed materials dncs nflr result in ,J deduction from Ihis column. Only ~!s rn,H~:- <br />rials arc il)corpllf,IWd inr'l) the Project. is rht:ir value ckducted from (hi:; l"()lulll11 :il1d incoqlor,ltl'd into nJlum!l E (\,,\-'(lck CJI11plered Thi" Perind.J <br /> <br />Column G; En[('r here the r()fal of t'Oiullllls D, E ,1Ild F. Cal",-ubte tht~ pt:::rcenrage (:Ilmplt:red b.... dividing column C~ by column C. <br /> <br />Column H: Enter hel\: the dine'rencc b\.'t\\ct:n column C (Scbeduled V::J]ue) ::lIEd c'olurnn C IToral C'lmpkred .H1c] Stored to Date}. <br /> <br />Column I: This column is flOnll<lll)." ll.~ed only for Cl.lI1lranS where \.';lri,lbJc re!ainagc is pennincd on.'1 Jinc-ircrn b~lSis. Ir need nor he uwnpleted on <br />projeCTS wherc.a nll1stam rt'r~lin,1gc is ""'"irhhcld from the ()Verall contract. ,11110UI1L <br /> <br />Change Orders: ,'\lth()ugh Changc Onler,s could be illcmpordted hv changing Ihe scheduje ofv:IJucs ell-]-l time:i Cbang<.:' Onkr is alkkd to the <br />ProjC((, rhis is not normally d(}Jl\.:. Usually, C1wngc Ordci"s ,Ire lister! sep:u;1tely. either llll their {l\vn G70.1 fOJ"lI1 or ar the end of III(' h,lSic _schedule, <br />The amOllnt ofthc origil1.'11 (llntnlu .'Idju.>;tcd by Change Ordns is tll )}e crHt:rt'd in the anprnpriat<.:' loe-atinn on the (;702 form. <br /> <br />C{lllstruCli(lO Ch:_lnge Dirccrivcs: ,'\1llounts nul in dispute tl1m h:rve ht't'n induckd in Construnioll Change Dil-t:l~t!Vt:.s sh()uld Ix:: iflcnrporated into <br />nile nr mnn: Change Order:;, Amount:-; remaining in dispute should be dC;llt with nccording tu r~lraW:lph '7.:) in ;\20 I. <br /> <br />lhe following is (III e.wuiljJle (d' a Contillllalioll ,c,,'beelp)!" il'ork in progress. elcose lIole tbal dollar {lII/Ollnts shuwn hefclll' (.Ire .IiiI' illlls/rlllll'<-' <br />Pllll)(h~CS (Jl/Il', (1Ne! IIrt' IIO! jlf{cnded to reJ1eCl acliw! C()i/slrudioll costs <br /> <br />[-;-1 u_ -;---T--'---+=--:::~C,"",-;t'iN'H:---:---: -- i-~,,-;',-=+=-"-- ~-_'- ~~ <br /> <br />1111' I D[SCRIPTI(l,,\ ()[ \\'OR!-' ~uJ.~:nl,'~.Fn: I - II ,~~~~I_~];)~'l.i) I , " ,,! 1\_:ll~~( E ii:lgji~,.;~:~'1 1 <br />f vi' I ,.", , I H'" ",..,,'''' , TO D'H ! " ~ .,. I::'''''! : "H, i <br /> <br />i --!-n;;r;~ilA:r~N-----~- ?~: 7,;i? i-J'-:--o" -:--"~,~;o-!-,tWt--"'-o"'-I---l <br />I SfUI1f' UWVA~ I '?j1?''? ",?W I 0 i 0 I ?,~, 1Q;) I 0 I I <br />' eA1<.TH ,.,Ol'fS IS,a.::v i 10,4>> 5,0t'i?: 0 [")CI't' 10:' i 0 I <4 ill . <br />: w wrol'. f/?V'IN);, UAl.-[..j [4la.." I tJ ~ CVt9 I {/ 'OJ>>?,;::6: '3, Q:Z) j ai ~ \U I <br />I CUr\f'r.>~nl'2:'.c.c.:N::,. I 5,a>", C 0 I // 0 0 i 5A;>//.~ t, <br />PAYIN6j,tJf'~ p~v~ WjW' 0 ,) I 0 () 0 I 2tl/"~ I;E \.) ~ ~ I <br />PAYI"lt,).atJr:j<. Df\1Vi:' ZJA0 0 ,:) 0 0 0 ZiJ,tIm I:';: \-- ~ ~ <br />PAve~ V,LW. 0 t:? 1~OCl:? Ii)oa? 50 lat'tX' I R- "f; I <br />Bf'-I.?~ k0fK 'SjW;;; coo 0 5CtV I ~J ! <br />, 1 I , I I f <br />--"'--t-------T'-"-'-------r---------r---"'-'-r-'-"----'I <br />14a!"v I ',O,tn? ' lO,av ! 40,~ WS,COO <br /> <br />'1 <br />') <br />+ <br />"j <br />c, <br />7 <br />8 <br />4 <br />:/- <br /> <br />'1"-- <br /> <br />i <br />IL?s,ctt? I <br /> <br />8/92 <br /> <br />Ius/! 'Ieti!);,'>!,,,c,' n;'l'i;ed '-i-(.I..z .'i/ihow ;"'(JL'edllnill/!lill!.!t' <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br />