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<br />INSTRUCTION SHEET <br />FOR AiA DOCUMENT CeO,) <br /> <br />A. GENERAL INFORMATION <br /> <br />1. Purpose and Related Documents <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />AlA ])ucun:cnr G701, Application :md Cen;fic<lt<..., f{JI' P:lymcll. is :(' be used ill ClJlljUIldior, witil A1\ DOC\II)lC'11 (;"70:', Cuminu<ltioll ShU:I. These <br />d()Cllnk~rEs ;:l.rl' designed for use on Project.,> "vhere rhe ConrY;luoi" b<1:' ,I direct A~rccl11('nr wiTh the OWnCI", P(I)L"(~durc~ for their use :II",: c()vcr<..~d in <br />AlA [)onlITIC11t A201, Genet'.;!l C(lnditiuns (If the Con\r<1,-'II\)r Cu[)st.ructil)1l, 1~)i:f7 i~ditiufl. <br /> <br />2. Use of Current Documents <br /> <br />The user should consult the AlA. an AlA component ch,lPtCr or ,I current "\1./\ DocLlment,~ Ii~t to eJctcrminc the (unent edition of each docun1t'nt <br /> <br />3. Limited License for Reproduction <br /> <br />AlA. Document G70::; is a ulpyrighled work aIld 111:1\-' nm he t"cproduccd \lr excerptcd frol1l in sllbsramial p:lrt without rlll' express wriucn pl.~rl1lis- <br />sion of lhc AlA Th(: clUCUl11cnt is inl'cnded tl.) be used as :J c()ILslllnabll'"-th~n is, thl' uriginal document pun:ha,sed by the user is intended to he <br />(llllsurned in rhe cour;,;c of being u"ed. Th,,:rc is no implied pcrmhsiol1 to repruduce this dO(tllnenr, nor does memhership in The American <br />Instilute of An:hitects cnnfel' any further rights tn n:prudllce G70::;. A limited Iil"ensL~ is hen:by gr::ullcd to retail purchasers to reproduce ;l nnxi- <br />mum of ten cupit.'> of' ,1 cumpkted or executed G70.'). hlll' onl, fur use in l'onnution wirh ,1 partil'lJJar Peoicel. Further reproducriuns 31"C prohihited <br />without the express Wt"itrell pCl"mission I)f the AlA. <br /> <br />B. COMPLETING THE G703 FORM: <br /> <br />Heading: This inronnatiofl should be completed in :I manner consistcnt with sillliLlr inf(Jrmation Oil AL\ Document (;702, i\pplicatiol1 and <br />CcrtitkatC' tix PaY'llWI1I. <br /> <br />Columns A, B & C: These columns should he l.fnnplcted bv identifying the vari()u.~ portions (,fthc Project and theit" ,scheduled V(jlllt:S consistent <br />wilh the .schedule pI' \'alues submitted [() tht: Architect at the c"ornTllenccmcnt of the ProJl'O or 3_" suhsequenrly ndjusred. The bre-akdo',','n m:lv he <br />b)' .~el't.ion:i (1f the \'('(lrk or by SuIKofltt",Ktors ;ll1d .,-;hould l"l:main CO!l:,istcnt' (hmughl)ur [he Project. Multiple p;lgC:; s!lc>Ldd be Llsed when r<:quired. <br /> <br />Column C should be :-.ulJtotalt'd:l1 till: hottom W]1l'fl rnnt'c than unc pagc is L1.s('d and tot:llcd Oil the bst p;lgc. Iniri,ll1y, this total should equal the <br />uriginJl COmr~ILT Sum. The IOwl of cnlumn C may be adju:-.ted by' Change Ordt~r:-. during the Proicct <br /> <br />Column 0: Entcr in this culUll1n the ;Hl10Unt or uJll1pleted W'ork ('0\-"(:'1"(:(\ Iw the previolls ~{pplic:ltion (culumn.s Dc( E frurn the previou:; applica. <br />tion). V~!lllCS fl"Om column F (.\tuerials Pt"C'senrlv Stored) tiTJIl1 the prC'\'iou~ "f1pliC:!liOJl ...;houle] nOI be entGcc! in rhis column. <br /> <br />Column E: Emer here the value of \X'-ork cllll1plcted al the timl' uf this application, including the value of 11l,1tcri<tb incorporated in the project <br />th3t were listed on the previous :1ppIiC,llion tinder j\'lakri<1is Presentl" Stored (colurnn F). <br /> <br />Column F: Enter here thl~ value of iV1ar,'I"iah Prescntly Stml'd for \vhich pay'n'tent i-:.; .sought The rowl of the column mnsl' he recalcuhted ,IT rhe <br />end of (,:lell pay period. This valuc ("()\'crs both materials newly .,-;wrt:d for which paymem is .,-;uught ;lnd material.s pre\"ioLl...;I~.' stored which <H'C not <br />vet incorporated into tbe Projo.:,'t. 1\1.:re p,lyrrH:,m by th(' Owner fot" stored materials dr)cs nnr result in 'l deduction from rhi:-. elllumn. Only as mate- <br />rials ,1rt' incorpurmed inro rlw Project is r11t:it' v,liut' deducted fron11his column and incorporaled into column E (\X-'ork Compkted.-This Period.) <br /> <br />Column G: Emcr here the rowl of t"(llunlll,S D, E ,1Ild F. Cakulate The percentage cOll1rlt~t~d by dividing column Ci bv culutnn C <br /> <br />Column H; Enter here the difference between column C fSdwdull'd \1":11\](:) 3lHI coiun1l1 (j (fotal (ol11Plett:d and Stured to Date). <br /> <br />Column I: This column is norm,tlly used only ror contraCT:i where variable rerainag(' L..; pcrminl:d on a line-item basis. It need fHH Ix' compkrcd Oil <br />projL'ct.s wherc a (onswnt rcnin~lgL' j.s withheld fi'um the overall contrau. amount <br /> <br />Change Orders: ,'\lthough Change OrdL'r.s \-mild be incorpol",ltcd hI' ch;lI1ging thc~chcdlJle of v3lues cadl time a Cllange Order is ;1(_kl<.:<..I lO the <br />Prnil'((, this is not nonnalh- dlllle. Usuail~i, Ch,Hlge Orders <Ire li.sted serx1r~Hel:'" either OJl their own G703 forrn 01" at the end of tlll'~ basic ...;chcduJe <br />The amount ofrhc original c'(JIlt!"I('t adiu.~tcd hy Change Ordel"s is to \-x.' t'ntered in the apprnpriate locatiun on the (!'702 form. <br /> <br />Con:--truction Ch3.11ge Directives: Amounr~ nut in dhpure th;it h:lv(:' Ik:l~n indudl'd in COf\.:;tnIU;O!1 Change- Dircd:ivcs .should he incorporated into <br />nile or more Changl' Ordel"s. Amount.... rl'lluining in clisp\Ht~ sh(luld he de:111 ~-,,'itjl :Iccurding [() P;lr'lgraph "'.j in A2(J1. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />7"{{oll'ing is (In e.Yom/)le (?j"a Con!iJllwlir)}! Sheetfoj" work in progre.<.s Please IlOle {hal dollar amollnts shu/{'n he/Oil' are for ii/l/Sf}"(lfil't' <br />!)1lI"jJoseSOIlh'. (lnd (In! /IO! llllended to rq/lecl ael/wi oJlIstrlJclioll co,',;/., <br /> <br />G I <br />1'1)1',1,1. --------, I <br />(:O\lPI.ETEr' 1 Ilri~~I;.;AGF I <br />'~..> <br />\Ni;/'~::;I~!'D 1(; ".'- I... . FI"IS!l I .:IF ~~;~g;li.F) i <br />_.~--~'~'~-..-___-L_~~~~-_+--"~~_ -'1 <br />1M I 0 I I <br />10-;> I 0 i I <br />~ I 0 '~ \l!. <br />50? I ':jiW I. ~ \U <br />o I ':iMI' I t <br />o : 20ptJ!' I ~ t\ lz Z I <br />o I Zo,av I i1. 'r ~ ~ I <br />52! I I<l. f~1 <br />0: lr~ ~d <br />, . /5 <br />, :/' <br />~-+----------L--------i <br />I I <br />I 4>S,a:70 i <br /> <br />1--:-1- <br />I 1 <br />! ITI>~ i <br />::"() I <br />I--L <br />11 Il1)r:il;"i;ZAI~N <br />!'1 : srun? UWVAf-.- <br />I) 1 ~jt,TH :",o!'f<c <br />I + I k;lWi:OR f/?II'IN);, WAl-L- <br />I '? CURf?? ~ ~ii~. ~. <br />I Co : FAYIN6j,tJf'~ p~V~ <br />: 7 I PAYI!%,k:J\Jl'f--Df\IV!:' <br />I 8 i PA1/ef"7 <br />! 4 : P.:,[l.j.?~ JJ.1fK <br />/5' <br />;{ <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />--=r=-~---l~!=----~.'O~-.Kn!"::..E~~ ___ j-,"",~. i.."L~ <br />~CHFDI.'1.Fl) FROM PREVlly<T ..--. ... .....1 P~!~~~;;~:~i-" <br />~i\LlT I <br />I.. _Wl'LlL\TI()" , TH]~ I'h~I,~~I) 1" <br />ill '!oj i . ORl:, <br />"t-----.r----.--r--.-..-- <br />:,tU;J I ?,tl".?" Ii . LJ <br />? AJ-" I ";:tV 0 () <br />ISpl:) 'I lo,tW 5,M?' 0 <br />i qa'2' tJ ~ M,O 0 <br />5~ Ii 0 /I <br />M;W ,) tJ 0 <br />21..ai7 /I ,:) /I <br />'k:?~ 0 t? 100M <br />, <br />'3;= ,;; C 0 <br /> <br />")JI?'O <br />?,tPP' <br />I s,tVl' <br />"",MI' <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />lOOt!? <br />'() <br /> <br />DbCRll'TH1!<. \H W()fll\ <br /> <br />I ' , , I <br />-------t--------+----+-----t-----j.. <br />: IOSptC I 1.t!av I \tI,av : 1CJat! i <br /> <br />__ __.1 <br />/itl,a::c I <br /> <br />8/92 <br /> <br />IU_I/nlllllJ;!\/.iecl n.:n'sediC'-! Jci!hol!i fi!"()tt'diim! ci'aii.'J.", <br /> <br />. <br />