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<br />INSTRUCTION SHEET <br />fOR At\ [)OCU\IENT C703 <br /> <br />A. GENERAL INFORMATION <br /> <br />1. Purpose and Related Documents <br /> <br />!\L\ DUUllnClll G~o~. :\pplicaLon ;lIld Certific<tlr: i()' F:l\-ill,:ll\. is 1(1 be ~I:>cd in :..',mj:.I11diof) with :\L\ Dn~-uillenl Cil,,'", C()llfinuati()!l Shee; rhc_~...: <br />d()cunl(;nt;; In.' designed fnr USt~ on Projens wht~(e [ilt' <:onll";IC!OI" h;L~ ,1 direct ,\grcclllcnl with the O\vncr ProC"l,cllIn:.., for lh~:ir use <1(<-: ('()\'crul ii' <br />:\1!\ f)UCUnlc:nl 1\20} , GencOI Cllndi;i()ll~ \lr the CC:l[jlr;l~l f()l" C()I1.~\.rlldion. ] 0!:j-::' Edili(\n. <br /> <br />2. Use of Current Documents <br /> <br />The user ~h(JlIld consult the AlA. ~n AlA component ch,lptcr or ,1 I.:Ui rent .'\1/\ DOCtllilhlb Lht w delcrrnim.' [he (:L1lTdH edition ()fcach dU(llm\,;~nt <br /> <br />3. Limited License for Reproduction <br /> <br />AlA DUClInKnt G70,:'; i.~ ,j (()pj'righted work :md may nor he t"('produced Dr l:xccrpted froIll in Subst,llHial p:1rt without the c:-;.press \\l"iltcn pumis- <br />si(J1l of the ALl,.. The document is intended to be 1I."ed :\s :1 consLll11able-th:lt is. the original d()ClIIll(:~nt purr:ha...;;cd hy the' user b intended to be <br />cunsurned in tlk L'OLl!"SC of being used. Tlw["c i,s no implied pCi"I11js,sillt1 to reproduce this J(KUJl1{'n!. nor docs membership in The American <br />institute of Architects confer ,my Turrhl'!" rights tu repruduce G~'(15. i\ lirnited license is herehy gr::mted to retail purchasers tn reproduce a ma.-...:i- <br />mUlll Uf ten cupies of a Glmplcled (lr exec\uc(1 C"70.'). hll! (H11y fl)!" liSt' in \\m!leCri(lll with i1 1',lrticlJbr Projen. Further reproductiuns :ire pnll,ibited <br />withnUf the expres,s \"-Tiacn lXTmission of tlK Ai"-. <br /> <br />8. COMPLETING THE G703 FORM: <br /> <br />Heading: Thi:-; information slHlllkl be completed in a manner cnnslstent with _~i1lliiar information on .'\L'\ DUl.'unH:nt C;"70~, f\pplkatioll and <br />C:nificate tilf p,\yment <br /> <br />Columns A, B & C: These (olulnns sl1uuld be <.'()Jl)p1ctcd by identifying the '/arious ponirHls of the Project and their scheduled values c\Jn:;istent <br />with the schedule of \,;.1lu('s suhmirwd to tht~ /\xchire('f' ,It the l,'ornmcnccmenr of the Project (If as suhscqucnrlv ;ldjllsted. The breakduwn m:J!' be <br />by sc([ions of the Wnrk (l!, by Subcontr;ldllr~ :tnd ,,,hellll"! remain consistent throughuut the Project. \1ultiplc p<lgt~."; shmlld he u:,ed when required. <br /> <br />Column C should be subtotated ~H rik~ horrom w~wn 111mi' rh:m one page is used and t()l:ik:d on ,he bst 1"lgc. Initially, lhi;; tunl should Cqll~ll rhl' <br />origin::li Comrad Sum. The lUwl (Jf ~'(llumn C ll'lay IK~ adjusted by Ch;,mge ()rders during ,tll' PnJil'ct <br /> <br />Column 0: Enrer in rhh COIUI1Hl the :I[J]()Unl of compleTed \'('nrk c()ven~d b\" the pn:violl;> ar'p1iClf'i'll1 (t'l)junm,~ D &: E fron1thc pn.::vious applica- <br />[ion). VaJucs from column F (\1<Hl'ri,lis Prc.:,('ntlv Storcd) fn)nl the P(C\'i()ll~ ,1ppli'.;!l'i(l!1 should nut, he entered in this cohlnl!l <br /> <br />Column E: Emer here the vJluc of W.ork cumplctcd ~ll the tim<: of this applicnion, including tilt: value uf malcriah incorpol"ated in the pnW:ct <br />th,lt I.vere lisl'cd on rht~ prt"viou.s ::.rpplicati()!l under i\bteri,lb Pre.seml\' Stored (column Fl <br /> <br />Column F: Enter hen:: rh(~ value of :..LlI'(:rLils Pn:.scnrh' S(oft:d fOt" which paYtl1t~nr h .,-ought The total flf the column must be recalculated at the <br />end of e:Kh pay period, Tl1i.~ \."Iue ('over~ hoth rn,llcri,ds newly .'-t()rt~d fur ,,\'hich p,lymcllI iss()lI.~ht ::J.nd m:Jtniab pi.cviollsly sfored which al"e nOl <br />yt:l incorporatcd intI! the Project. 1\k:re p,lymeJ)[ h)' the Ov.mer for srot"l:d 111:lterials tlncs nol result in a dcdllnion ("roill thi.'- column. Only :lS m,ltl"- <br />rials .1re incorpurated i1ll0 the Project is their value dcducted fnlln this column :H,t! il\(orpormcd in:() column E (\X.ork C(Jlllplo.:red,-Thi.'< Period,) <br /> <br />Column G: Enter here th~' (,o(,illlf ("(llurnn;, I), E ,\nd F. Clk:ubtc (he pcnenL<lge <.:umpktcd b}' dividing column G by c~)lltmn C <br /> <br />Column H: Enrer hC'I"t~ the diffc'rC'nc~' bet\\'ct:n c()iunm C {SchcdulL-d V:liuC'i and t'olumn G (i"l)ral COt1lplCICd and Sturcd to ]),nc) <br /> <br />Column I: ThlS t'olunm i~ norm,lIh' u;-;ed unly fnr Cl1lHracl'S \vhen:: v:1riahle rdainage i;; penl1itled on a line-item basi.s, 11. need not h(" t.()mpJct...~d I,ll, <br />pnljl'u;-; where a ,."nmt<ll!t n:tain.1ge j,s v..'ithheld hum the ()\'t'l"all contr:.1C[ ,lnlUum. <br /> <br />Change Orders: Although Change Or,\l:r" uRrld Ix: incorplJrared hv changing the sdK'cll.rle OfV:llui's (:acl. time;l Clnngc ()rdcr is ,Hided to the <br />ProjCCl, this h nut nunnally dOlw, 1 !.-;u:1Ily, Ch<lngc Ord(:l";-; at.c listed :,ep:wuclv, {'iIher on their own (;'703 form ()c at till: end ur th~~ !o,l.sic schelhrlc <br />Thc :.H\,()um oftbe urigiml ClJ11tr<lct adju_stcd hy Change Ortlt.Ts is \(1 he entered in the :lppnlpri:m:' locati(!I1 ()I1 the (;7()~ hll"m. <br /> <br />Cnnstrucrin!l Change Dir{'cti\'~:s: :'\.muunts nut ill di~pllte that h:[n.: iJ~:L~n included in COtlstnldi()1l Change- Directivcs :,hould he incorporated intu <br />{In/: Of IDnfC Ch,lnge Order:...;. Amounts renuining in di:",;p\ll"t' :...;hould [1(: dL'::tll with ;lCcurding to Pm:lgraph 7.j in A2(JI. <br /> <br />Ihl! {ol!OIl'ing is dn l!.wlIIiple (?/ (f ConliJlllalfoil Sheet for I!'ork in progn'ss PledS!! jlO/e tbo! dollar {IJJJOIlJi/S show}"{ he/Oil' are .Ii:)}' illriSI/"(llii'I' <br />{Jwposes (Jilll'. (Illd (Ire /lot ill/ender/lo nJ7('(/ aCflul! L"OI/Sfl'uc!io}( coSIS. <br /> <br />~-~-r---=::=~--.='=-----,-------,-, I.' ~-~--J---"~-' F _~,~_~=~~--=--T-=-~~-='r_-=-,~_~~ <br />I : 'X'(\rd(lO\IP:l'lTD' 'I r'HAL ~ -j ,_. T 1 <br />I I T'-2~--,...j , U.I\If'I1:TEr' I ,,' I 1l:\L.:"::\_~ RETAJ"AGE, <br />I I DhCR!PTlnt'; \)F \\'<lHf( SCH.l.TJI:LF.1l I' 1"1\')\1 PRF"'[(ii'~, ',.. '. ,\t';f) ST')RF[) , ," . I' ,"1'~, ". ill qld.'UlU:i I <br />I I \,.\L1 L, ,,! TH1'< l'~I~I,,)I\ ; ,: ]"'):HH. 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