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<br />~ <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />B3(21(2BB2 B2:37 <br /> <br />G~B\I A <br /> <br />B2 <br /> <br />'I PAGE <br />'1- <br />, <br /> <br />952-431-793B <br /> <br />SAC <br /> <br />FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE WATER TOWER LEASE AGREEMENT <br /> <br />THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE WATER TOWER LEASE AGREEMENT <br />("Ameijdmenl") is entereel into on this day Of 2002, by and <br />between The City of Arden Hills, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("undlordj and AT&T <br />Wireless Services of Minnesota, Ine" d/b/a AT&T Wirelass, a Nevada corporation, having an <br />office at 2515 24'" Avenue South. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406, as successor-in-interest to <br />Minnesota Cellular Telephone Company (d/bla Cellular One) ('"Ternlnt"). <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Lanellord and Tenant entered into a Water Tower Lease Agreement <br />("Lease") dated April 113, 19139, which is incorporated herein aoo made a part hereof by <br />reference. in regard to pre,perty located at 4251 Femwood Avenue, Arden Hills, Minnesota, and <br />relating to the installation tlOO operation of Tenant's wireless communications eqUipment; and <br />WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant desire to amend the Lease 10: (1) allow for the <br />installation of additional antennas and related coaxial cable; and (2) modify the rent in <br />conjunction with the additional antennas; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant hereby express their mutual desire and intent to <br />amend Ihe lease, <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFOHE, in consideration of the mutual covenants aoo agreements herein <br />set forth, and other good and valuable consideration. ",ceipt of which is aCknowledged. Landlord <br />and Tenant agree as follo",s: <br /> <br />1. The leased portions of the Property and Water Tower, as defined in Section 2 of the <br />Lease, shall liB expended to include an additional three (3) antennas, including <br />related equipment and cabling, as mOi'll specifically described on tha attaChed <br />Exhibit "A", <br /> <br />2, The monthly I~nt as stipulated in Section 4(a) of the Lease is hereby amended. <br />Commencing ,on the date that Tenant bag ins Installation of the additional antennas. <br />the monthly rmt will be inc",ased by One Hundred-thlrty-five dollars ($135,00) per <br />each addition~il antenna, per month. for a total Increase of Four-hundred five Dollars <br />($405.00) per month, <br /> <br />3. All capitalized terms not herein defined shall have the same definitions as in the <br />Lease. <br /> <br />4, In the event (If any inconsistencies between the lease and this Amendment, the <br />terms of this Amendment shalltak,e precedence. <br /> <br />5. Except as expllessly sat forth in this Amendment, the Lease otherwise is unmodified. <br />remains in full effect, and is incorporated and restated herein as if fully set forth at <br />length. Each reference in the lease to Itself shall be deemed also to refer to this <br />Amendment <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />If, in spite of Tanants efforts to adequately cover. protect or remove its equipment 01 <br />facilities; Landlonl incurs any increased costs in the maintenance of its water tower <br />which are Iltlrtl)u1able to the presence of Tenant's equipment or facilities on or near <br />suCh tower, Tenant shall reimburse Landlonl for the reasonable increased costs <br />incurred by Landlord due to the presence of such equipment or facilities. An <br />example of slt~h an Increased cost would include, without limilation, increased cost <br />of rigging .or s:affolding due to the presence of Tenant's equipment or facilities at <br />the site Landlord shall submit a written invoice to Tenant delineating eny such <br />increased costs incurred. Tenant shall remit the invoiced amount to Landlord within <br />thirty days of tile dale of the Invoice, <br /> <br />[Signatures appear on following page.] <br /> <br />MH01NArden HllIs <br />